
Do you judge people by what they look like?

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I hate to admit it but I feel like I do. Ä° know its wrong. How do you stop and give people a chance?

Like for example Ä° think skinny blonde girls are going to be a little shallow and vapid, and Ä° know thats not always true, but Ä° cant help but write them off before Ä° even know them.

Or like a woman of color is going to be strong and independant and not take any bs. Ä° know thats a stereotype and it just simply doesnt apply to all people.

Or that most good looking guys are going to be big jerks. Or heavy people have a good sense of humor.

Im not trying to offend anyone. Ä°m just asking this because I used to think I had no biases about any people, but Ä°m starting to see that Ä° do judge people and that thats not always fair.

So what the best way to get back to a positive state of mind about equality?




  1. i know how you feel.  I think that the best way to get back to a positive state of mind about equality is to get to know more people, especially that types that you have stereotyped and maybe you will find out that in actual fact not all skinny blonde girls are shallow and vapid. If you find out that out of all the ones you have met and got to know, they ARE shallow and vapid, then maybe you do have reason to think what you think.

  2. Nope i don't judge anyone unless they judge who iam and what i wear!! i get odd looks anyways cause of my tattoos and funny sense of humor some don't get?!? oh well im happy with me and like people who except me for me!! :0)

  3. good question, i often do the same :(

  4. I do all the time, but I know one shouldn't do that............

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