
Do you judge people here based on where they're from

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Molly, I happen to despise Ohioans (wtf, how do you spell that?? lol)





  1. No, I generally judge them on stupidity.  

  2. Of course I do, I mean if they are not British, then they just don't measure up do they?  Everyone knows that!


    It is a bit hard to even know where most people are from, and it hardly matters most of the time.  In some sections of Y!A, it causes mis-understandings because there is an assumption by Americans that everyone else is either American, or uses American measurements.  Most of the world uses metric.

    No big deal really.

  3. No I judge them based on their style of content they post on yahoo answers in questions and answers.

  4. Not necessarily in a negative way, but I am aware of having some stereotypes in my head.  For example, I'd expect different attitudes from someone in Texas than someone in California.  And of course that's not always appropriate.  I try to ignore the stereotypes in my head and get to know people as individuals.

  5. i try not to but i dont think that anyone can really not judge people based on where theyre from unless they grew up in a lab without any info on the outside world. its a survival technique.  

  6. Not really, although it's actually not that hard to figure out where most people are from.

    Even those who try to hide it usually reveal it eventually.

    But what's the point of judging them based on such criteria?

    No-one can help where they're from and no two people will necessarily have the same opinion even if they're from the same place.

    Although it is interesting how attitudes and comprehensions change depending on locale.

    Cheers :-)

  7. Maybe once or twice. But sometimes we do use our locations in our answers.

  8. I don't know where most people are from, but if someone has a problem with Ohioans I suggest they take it up with me!   lol

    Edit: Me and you in Chatzy....10 o'clock... No holds barred!

  9. No I listen to anyone I never payed attention to nationality. But I am American, but my nationality is Italy and spanish. I speak 3 languages!

  10. Only if they're from Sacramento.  Then I do.

    No, not really.  I mean, you can often tell a lot about a person from where they're from, but you can't judge them based off of that.

  11. I only judge California Girls:P

  12. Yes and sometimes it's positive.

  13. Helllllo! I'm a Jersey born Floridian. I would never judge only on that.


    Well except maybe Europeans. haha

  14. I am European and I have lived in the USA for 9 years and I honestly think America is insane in the worst way and the Americans are the weirdest bunch of people I have ever encountered in my entire life.

    Wouldn't say I judge them. No.


  15. I judge ppl by what they say in y/a.

    btw I am Canadian.

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