
Do you judge the caliber of a contributor here from his/her questions or answers or from the collected points?

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Or what other criteria?

I am deliberately posting this question here since I want to know the views of those who frequent and enjoy the Philosophy section.




  1. Judging the book by its cover?

    Judging the book by its content?

    Now, I judge the world,

    The now became just now.

    From time to time we change,

    The caliber does the same.

    Judging other as such.

    I am simply vain.

  2. i judge the caliber of the contributor from their questions and answers that i find interesting and inspiring. It doesn't matter how many points they have, or what their name is, its what they write, particularly in their answers that interests me. You can sometimes get a rough idea of the persons' way that they think by what they write...

  3. Anybody can give a an answer such as yes or no and points will accumulate. As for the best answer, he/she can create an alternate ID and pick their own answers as the best. So, obviously, you judge the caliber not by volume, but by quality.  

  4. It is not right to judge anyone Jesus said this as well who am I or you to judge others by the questions and the caliber of their words maybe they had a bad day or something and their brain waves could be off never judge another even by their questions and answers hehe and especially on the internet when you cannot see the persons eyes and their human ways of relating and acting in this reality we are in right now heheh

  5. There are empathic nose makers who have high scores and sound truth tellers who have low points, there are nonsense talkers with contributor’s badges and highly intelligent persons with high scores and contributor’s badges.

    There are longstanding and much loved contributors who lose two accounts and are required to start afresh, and there are answerers with original accounts who are pleasant well informed and polite in their responses.

    There seems to be no exact or precise determinator as to why some are high scorers, if you try you will gain your points, and if you are here simply to educate, inform or speak your mind then a lack of points is nature’s way of saying she who is tormented and driven by an adversarial will should create a trolling account for venting anger, and maintain one for giving forth wisdom. Yet God does not allow this.

  6. One may judge the quality of a Question or an answer, though as with all judgement the quality of ones judgement is open to question!

    All Judgement is subjective to the knowledge we have on the information we have at hand, and all too often we fail to read beyond that which see see in black and white.

    We need to know the thoughts and motives of the other before we can be sure that our judgement is just.

    The above said! Judging on points tends to prove popularity as much as it does quality!

    Some would say the a Big Mac is a quality Food stuff!

  7. A man shows he is clever by his answers.  He show his wisdom by his questions.

  8. I've been two years on this site, posted thousands of questions with one account or another and I can tell that points, TC badges, scores and levels have many times nothing to do with the quality of the person. I've been suspended five times and forced to start again from scratch and so were many of my friends, whom I consider wonderful people, great askers and answerers. Without my questions and my suspensions, I'd probably have more than 100.000 points by now. My scores varied in time as well, my first account, had like 10% bas, others had like 15-18 %, but I didn't care about any TCs... so I only used to hang around P&S category.

    When I wanted to get a TC in here, I just got it, then I got another in Movies on my other account just because I felt like it. It's fairly easy and, frankly, there's not much about it.

    But when I ask or answer a question, there is always a special bond that is created between me and certain people, regardless of their points. That bond is the only thing that ties me so much to this place, that bond is something which I call communication... while Yahoo considers it chatting. As long as I feel that I communicate with people, as long as this special (and genuine) connection is here, I'll always return to have some more.

  9. I am more of an answerer.  So I scan the questions and whatever catches my eye I try to answer it as sincerely as possibly...sometimes using humour,  sometimes just my experience.  I star all the questions I find interesting.

    This way some of the regular questioners caught my eyes and I marvelled at the way their minds work.  Some questioners just ask a question and choose best answers without further comments.  I find them reticent.  Not revealing much of their own personality.  But there are some who always let others know why they found the answer best.  And those who discuss/debate as they get more and more answers are more they are really interested in making others participate.

    Then I started reading other people's responses and got an insight into their thought-process.  I enjoyed reading them even more.  Most of the members participating here in Philosophy Section are mature,  decent and well-read.  Their language is one thing that I notice,  beside the content,  of course.  Those using vulgar language,  cuss words or angry/insulting outbursts go down in my opinion.  I get this notion that they are having issues and are using this forum as an outlet....

    Collected points have no bearing...except maybe to show their age in Yahoo World, LOL!  

  10. judgments define self… is all relevant in creating a valid web of meanings… the context in which it is relevant changes…  one way to improve our judgments is to cross examine our judgments within a group of peers…  

  11. That's a basic matter of quality over quantity... I'd go for the quality of the answers any day.... Anyone can answer a question but not everyone can answer a question well.

  12. I judge the contributor on his/her current question/answer.  I know that some people do not have all day and night to contribute meaningful questions and answers, but their experiences and knowledge are no less useful.  Every person has a unique perspective, and those who can express their thoughts in a productive way should be applauded, and those who answer in completely broken English and/or in such a way that the reader can not understand what he/she meant, should try to spend their time a little more productively.

    I am more about judging the question or answer itself, rather than the person who contributed it. I have not lived long enough, or ever will to come to a point where I feel comfortable judging another person, but my 12+ years of English classes do allow me to feel comfortable judging other's writing (not that I am the greatest myself, but I can recognize good work when I see it).

  13. I don't have the right to judge.



  14. I don't know why I became a top contributor. It was just there one day.

  15. By the answers.  I enjoy it and also learn when someone gives a well informed answer.  

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