
Do you keep in touch with your exs?

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I'm still not over someone his not a very good man..he played with my mind..

i had to break up with him 3 mouths ago...and i try not to see him or talk to him for now...till I'm over him

1-anyway but i was wondering after you breakup with someone do you still keep in touch with them??...even after your over them?...

2-there's always that risk to fall in love with him/her again right??..

cause I'm thinking about blocking and delete his Msn contact..and phone number...but a part of me still wants to keep in touch..

ps:I'm not putting this on singles dating..cause theres only teens there that don't know ..much about this

Don't give up your dreams for anyone




  1. yes I do.with both of them. they are my best friends now. he and she are the most important people to me. I am over my ex boyfriend john and he is over me, so no we arent risking falling in love with each other again. I still love my ex and she loves me too, but in not ready for us and she knows it.

    if you keep in touch with your exes, then you both have to understand its over. if you both can't come to that agreement, them its best to cut off all contact with him/her.

  2. yes i do still keep n touch with a couple of my exes...............but u need 2 make sure ur completely over him first


  4. Yes, I've kept in touch with my ex's. It can be a little difficult at first but it is possible.

    However, what I advise is cutting all ties with him... for now. Thing is, if you keep in touch, it's very difficult to break the old thought and behavioral patterns you maintained while you were together (i.e.-he might make you try to feel guilty about dating someone else or you might do the on-again-off-again thing, trying to make it work when you really need to be moving on but the constant whirlpool of emotions with him keeps you from doing so, etc.)

    Thing is, you need to put some distance, time and other guys between you and your ex. That will help you gain a new perspective (maybe not COMPLETELY from the outside) on your relationship with him and if he's worth talking to once you've moved on and made your peace with the situation.

    They say that for every 1 year of relationship you can expect to go through about 3 months of recuperation. Throw a little "mind play" in there and it may extend things a bit.

    You will always love part of him (more than likely those things which drew you to him in the first place) and there's nothing wrong with that. I've never really cared for people who completely and totally vilify their ex's unless they've done something REALLY horrible because there's good in EVERYBODY...) and that is what you need to bear in mind as you move forward. There were good things you learned from this relationship and bad things: don't forget either because those are the life lessons that will allow you to be more particular about future potential partners. Though bear in mind that what behavioral triggers and cues worked with your ex may not work with someone else because everyone is different.

    Good luck.

  5. From everything you said, it appears you broke up with him because he was hurting you and not being good to you.  That is good!  If the guy is a jerk you should leave him alone.  It isn't because you just grew apart, it was because he is not a nice person.

    1.  You wouldn't put your hand in a hot oven if you knew ahead of time you would get burned.  Why would you want to keep that happening if you could prevent it?

    2.  Having a key to a time bomb always means you could accidentally use it and blow yourself up.  Lose the key (phone numbers, email addresses, etc.)

    What ever part of you that wants to "keep in touch" needs a sound talking to.  Stay away!

  6. No. There's only 1 I'd want to communicate with, and he doesn't want to hear from me.

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