
Do you keep old papers/projects from your childhood?

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I know many people keep their baby clothes, old papers, and all kinds of other c**p they I'm sure they don't "need", but it just feels so wrong to get rid of certain stuff. What do you do with this stuff? Is it stupid to keep it? Should I just burn it all and get it over with? I had a big bonfire with many of my college notes, but can't seem to get rid of other stuff.




  1. Both my husband and I do.

    We have memory boxes.

    BTW: My memory box is an old 90210 box!

  2. I usually get rid of most of my work, but I stopped after using my sister's old work for a teacher she had 2 years ago that I ended up getting. I have also used my sister's essays for class as well and didn't get caught.

    I throw away my college work, except for the notes, and anything I have saved on the computer.

  3. I suffer OCD, so I know how you feel. It breaks my heart to have to get rid of these things.

  4. NO NO keep them seriously because if you plan on having children, this will entertain them and give them a look into your past. Its something you just need to keep.


  6. i have some stuff.  everytime i move or do spring cleaning every year, i look at it and get rid of some stuff.  but there are a few things i will never get rid of.  you should keep some of the things.  it's not stupid, it's memories.

  7. do whatever you feel right.  you kept them for a reason and no one has to agree or disagree with why you are keeping them!  i kept my highschool and college c**p which i certain don't need and will not ever look at again but i just keep them for the heck of it.  i have also kept 4 years worth of campus newspaper!  they have been packed into boxes since i left college and they moved with me every time i move and i don't think i will ever read them (maybe when i am 80) or need them but i just dont' want to throw them away!

  8. No..I dont think it is dumb. I have kept a number of things and some things i have let go of. There are somethings it s easy to throw in the recyle/burn bin..and some require thought.

    I don't envy anyone who has to try to go through that doesn trigger memories and sometimes not so good ones.

  9. No keep it you will have kids oneday and want to show them that stuff .... besides 20 years from now it will be funny and really differant from what is going on in the world

  10. I keep all my good projects and report cards so I can have some memories from school. I usually just put it in a box that I have under my bed.

  11. No, I have only my baton and that's the only remnant of childhood that exists.

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