
Do you keep the same locker as you did last year in highschool?

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I go to Norton Highschool and I'm going into 10th grade and was wondering if we keep the same locker as we did in 9th grade. The locks are built into the lockers and we don't get anything like our scheduel or planner until the first day in home room. (I got a scheduel already but they give you another one i guess). So can anyone help me out?




  1. In both our middle and high schools, we had a new locker each year. If you were told to clean last year's out for the summer, then you probably will too.

  2. At my school, lockers and locker areas are sort of sectioned off, in a way... Freshmen have their area, sophomores have their own, and so on. I guess it depends on the school, but I highly doubt you'll have the same locker as you did in 9th grade.

    New locker combination every year... Hah.

  3. Not in my highschool because the locker combinations would change every year, and not everyone remember what their combination was after returning from summer vacation. Seriously, who'd remember their combinations when you're thinking of the heat, and having fun with friends?

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