
Do you keep your house organized and neat?

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Just curious how others live. Is your house always clean and organized or is it in a tornado state?

Also, do you get dressed and ready as soon as you wake up?




  1. Always tidy and neat.  Cannot tolerate chaos.  We have trained ourselves to put things back where they belong.

  2. Getting dressed first thing in the morning is a great day starter.(no, I don't 'always' do it.)

    I am very organized. Matching labeled boxes in every closet. The challenge is getting everyone to put the things into the boxes they belong in. (teens don't listen to mom)

    My house can be clean in the morning, but after the kids come home from school it definetly looks like a tornado passed through.

    If your house is always clean, you aint having any fun.

  3. I clean as I go so that the house stays neat, but it is not totally "organized".  lol, the clutter is clean, though!!!

    and yes...I've been making it a habit to get dressed when I get up.  I use to stay in pjs or raggedy shorts and shirts all day, but I figured that I'd feel better and get more done if I looked presentable.  So far, so good...more laundry, though!

  4. My house is typically always clean.  I do a little each day. For example I clean the kitchen on Thursday, the bathrooms on Friday... That way everything stays clean.  

    AND, I definately don't get dressed right away when I wake up.  If I could stay in my PJ's all day I WOULD!

  5. Do a little bit every day and it keeps it clean, tidy, and looking good for not a lot of work every day.

  6. no hate to say it my house what some people have called lived in I have 2 teens that do nothing and I am getting over trying to brain surgery

  7. I do a little here and there.  I have 4yrs. old boy and always put his toys everywhere, so there is always a mess but I keep clean.

  8. When I lived in my parent's home still, my room was always incredibly clean and neat. Nothing was ever out of place, I was very type-A about everything. Then I moved out about 3 years ago right after I turned 21.. for a while, I don't know if it was the newly found freedom or what, but my neat-freak ways went out the window and our house was a mess most of the time. It never stayed clean after we'd clean everything for very long. But eventually I got the hang of things, and have learned how to keep a whole house neat and clean. I'd say the past year it's been a big improvement and now my house is always neat and pretty much clean.. hahah. I realized that it's easier to keep it up if you do it little by little and never let the mess get out of hand, it's much more manageable that way. And of course if feels so much better living in a clean environment!

    As far as getting dressed right after I wake up.. usually no. I'm not a morning person, so generally I get up and stay in my jammies, or put sweats on. I let myself wake up for an hour or so, watch tv to wake my brain up a little (but I still get to sit around, so it's not too abrubt lol). THEN I go and get dressed. Most of the time I have my outfits planned ahead of time from the night before too. I love clothes and when I feel cute it puts me in a better mood. :o)

  9. Everything is organized however if I'm really busy during the week I let it get a little messy then on Sunday I spend the day cleaning everything really well.

  10. tornado and yes

  11. We mostly keep our house neat. However, on weekends I dont cook or clean, so things tend to pile up until Monday. The weekend is our time to spend together. We get dressed as soon as we get up, and dont sit down till the evening. Otherwise , nothing gets done!

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