
Do you keep your last name if your a foster kids?

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My girlfriends mom is physically abusive and her dad is sexually abusive. She wants to turn them into child services and try to go into foster care of my mom.

If this does happen will she keep her last name? Will we be able to get married in the future without problems? Will I be able to take custody over her once I turn 18? She is now 16 and I'm 17, 18 in eight months.




  1. Is your mom a foster parent? Your parent has to be a foster parent, theres training involved, screening of all the kids in the household. By the time your mother will be  a foster parent, your gf will be placed in another home or shelter....i been down that road 3x in my life.

    She'll keep her last name, fostering just means you live with strange people. However if shes adopted, her adopted parents can change her last name.

    Even if you mom fosters her, after shes out of the system at age 18 u both could marry without problems.

    You would have to challenge the court for custody of her once you are 18 but you would have to have a great job, house, car and everything to be considered.

    She needs to tell an adult of her home life. Your mother could try to challenge the court since shes an adult mother of children already. You would need proof that your gf home life is horrible and that your mother could do better.

  2. I don't think she will be able to change her name.

    You will have to wait until she turn 18 and see if she still wants to marry you.  Good luck with everything

  3. I don't know but that is a great question.

  4. if someone is abusing your girlfriend, call in a report to child services.  the situation will only get worse if nothing is done.  

    at least in my state you have to be licensed to be considered "foster care."  a child's name does not change just because legal custody changes.  if a child is adopted, a name change can occur but would not have to.  if she were adopted by your mother, she would be your legal sister which may complicate things if you wish to marry in the future (i don't know how that would work for sure).  in all likelihood, a child of 16 would not be placed for adoption through child services for many reasons.  legal custody changing does nothing to change family relationships.  as a legal matter, relationships would only change through adoption.

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