ruby has always been an early riser -- too early. i have worked for a long time to get her to sleep (or at least stay in her crib) till 6. when she wakes before 6 (bedtime is 7-7:30), she is always tired within two hours. she'll go back to sleep at 8:30 am and sleep for 2 hours!! because she is 15 months old, i have been keeping her awake till 11 to move her to one nap. otherwise, she sleeps too long in the morning, then sleeps again in the late afternoon, and then has even more trouble sleeping (we have tried a later bedtime -- it backfires). but here's hte thing: some days she is just so tired by 8:30 am, she is asking for a nap. i can't say no. poor thing. as i type this, she has been asleep for almost 2 hours. so, here's my question: is this going to set a bad pattern? will it affect her learning to sleep later in the morning? i haveread/heard that i should keep her awake to get her to sleep longer in the morning, but it seems cruel. she is so tired. and i feel like it won't make a difference? experience?? what do you think???