
Do you keep your windows automatic updates on all the time?

by  |  earlier

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Just lately I seem to be getting them everyday and it slows the computer down when it is booting up




  1. I do and have never had a problem with it, I have, however, heard people say things similar to you but everything always seems to settle down. Have you checked the updates have taken? Click Start put pointer on Programmes and click Microsoft Upates near the top, when the page opens click on Review your Updates.

  2. yes i do,i need all the help i can get.

  3. Yes I do.  

  4. Yes

  5. Yes always have. But having said that, they shouldn't make any difference to your booting speed. Something else is causing that like too many programs loading at the startup.

  6. I always keep the automatic updates on. I would rather have my computer go a wee bit slower than end up with some horrendous problem which I might need to pay "the wee guy" to fix!!

  7. I have mine set to tell me when new updates exist, but not to download or install them until I decide to do so. I don't like letting computers do things without me knowing what they're doing.  

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