
Do you kinda get the feeling the Dems are a little jealous of Sarah Palin?

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She pretty, smart, experienced, articulate and READY to lead!

Listening to the Dems, James Carvel etc., you get the feeling these people are in a full blown level #5 Panty-Wad...worried to death!

Now, we have a strong, passionate, intelligent conservative woman

and they can't handle it.

It's so funny to watch these people go through an evolution of thought that it would make Charlie Darwin pee his pants.

your thoughts.........




  1. no, but this dem would certainly be at home with a newborn with special needs....not leaving it up to a knocked up teen to raise it for me!  

  2. It's so funny to see you people grasping for positive statements to make about this VP selection.  I understand that you want your party to win, but it's not going to happen.  McCain blew it.

  3. Yes I am jealous!! My candidate dos not have a Grandma running for office with him.

  4. Um, my thoughts are that you may want sell you river front property on De-Nial. This whole Palin situation reeks. If you want to keep believing this will not affect McSame's campaign, then being a McCain supporter is the least of your problems.

  5. I doubt seriously if Sarah Palin is ready to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States. Bush was a joke, Palin will be a disaster.  

  6. You bet ya!  I haven't had this much fun since I went to the rodeo and watched the goat roping contest. It just does the old heart good watching the poor deluded Obama bots scramble for the life boats now that their ship is sinking. All of a sudden they want to talk about Palin's daughter and they were the ones who thought any reference to Obama's family was disrespectful. Talk about DOUBLE STANDARDS, they have the worst case I have ever seen. They can't find anything bad to say about Palin, so they are using twisted half truths and blowing them up. Its really pitiful to watch them grasping for the lifelines.

  7. Yea, they can't handle it.

  8. You left out she under investigation.  Her family has a crisis right now.  She put politics first and family second.  She just put her daughter in the national spotlight.

  9. The Church lady is only threatening because she is not all the things you say. We already had another dummy in the presidency as a matter of fact he is still there.

  10. I think they are.  They keep claiming that she is giving Obama the white house but so far the data just doesn't support that.   He hasn't gained at all in the "more reliable" national polls after his convention bump.   I think the attention is going all to McCain and Palin and that means the attention isn't going to Obama and that makes Dems nervous, as it should.

  11. I'm relieved McCain chose Palin! That means Obama won!

  12. Are you serious? She is winning us the white house.

    Obama 08

  13. Hmmm, I'm not crapping my pants.

    She looks like she has no experience, and if McCain dies while in office. I don't want her running things.

  14. Not at all.Nothing to be jealous of.

  15. Sure , ready to lead , as soon as she learns what the VP does

    she's an empty shell , no one would be jealous of someone who's anti-abortion even in rape cases and believes that creationism should be taught in schools , thanks but no thanks , she's no Hillary Clinton .

  16. I am thrilled that McCain picked Palin. It really ups Obama's chances. The woman is a nut.

  17. To answer your question, they are not only jealous they appear to be green with envy. Glad I am on the sane side of politics. Go Sarah !!!!!

  18. Well yes and I think you are stating the obvious although I wouldn't use the word 'jealous' in this context as it is more like 'concerned'!

    The surprise pick of Senator McCain threw a spanner into the Democratic party's conviction that they were on the last leg of an already confirmed Presidency for sure.

    She is and was a surprise package, carefully and very tactfully introduced into a position of threat as only a military mind could engineer.

    The more darts thrown at her now by the liberal surrogates and the media will only fast track her popularity and familiarity to those who are unaware of her resource and talents.

    Similar to a rising star she is in this time frame more likened to a comet!

  19. Carville said it best.  She is unqualified because unlike obama who was chosen by 18 million people, took part in 25 debates, has been running for nearly 3 years, and is a US senator that actually has some foreign policy experience, Palin has no real experience and was picked by Mccain after a 15 minute interview.

  20. Oh yes, definitely! They have managed to push Obama right out of the spotlight for us republicans,, lol! he is like a has-been now...while they focused (feeding frenzy ) on a 17 yr old child, the republicans were busy helping the victims of the hurricane,, oh I love it!!

  21. I'm having a blast watching them, that's for sure. Yes, I feel they are very jealous of the McCain - Palin winning team!

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

  22. jealous??  ready to lead??  are you kidding me?

    i am thrilled that mccain chose palin.  i thought that the gop might actually put up some competition.

  23. kind of? LOLOL, man these people are freaking out like crazy!!!!!!!

    first they pray for this hurricane which can kill thousands and put pople on the street, then accuse palin of raisng her daughters choild. then the daughter being pregnant.

    they are just mad at themselves for being bamboozled by obama and his "change" when he went old school on them and ,mccain proved real change with his choice!

  24. Yes and they use what happened to her teenager as a reason to make her quit.

    If she couldn't control her teenager. What about Billy Clinton that couldn't control himself.

  25. Good question!  The dems are crapping their pants!  

  26. I was just watching James Carvel make that republican journalist (the one with a ton of botox) shake in fear. Democrats are not scared of the worst VP choice in history... in fact we love her!!! She will make Obama president!!!

    First off, "pretty" --- anyone who votes for just for a pretty face is retarded

    Smart--- she believes in creationism, and not in global warming... yes she is very smart

    Experienced--- mayor of a tiny city (3000 larger cities in US), and governor of a least populated state (again many cities are more populated) for only 18 months


  27. Im glad he picked her. Who kows her? I think he picked her to try to get the angry Hillary supporters. If I was a woman I would be insulted. I guess he said "if they would vote for Hillary, they would vote for any white woman". WRONG!!

  28. Go McCain!  In one bold move you have totally obliterated the RNC strategy that says Obama doesn't have enough experience.  Good job!  You have sure picked a winner.  I really want a hockey mom and grandma-to-be to go toe to toe with a nuclear power.    

    The DMC scared of Sarah Palin? GMAB.

  29. Her family problems keep intruding on any ability she might have to lead. She needs to be on Jerry Springer, not living in Blair House.

  30. I think you are wrong and afraid to think for yourself.  I would not go back to work THREE DAYS after I had a baby.  I would devote even more time to a baby who needs more attention.  I have not seen her hold that child not a once.  I dont respect women who do not take their role as mother seriously, because then you have Bristol Palin situations.  

    I am not in favor of Tina Fey...sorry, Sarah Palin leading this country. I really wish she would lead her household more. I feel sorry for her children.

  31. what is there to be jealous of?

    Thank you for your "typical" Republican statement.

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