
Do you know Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ?

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Architects and engineers demanding of Congress

a truly independent investigation on 911 collapses.




  1. Yep.Sad that the most vocal opponents are the controlled sheeple that shout down anyone that desires truth in any area from our government.The site glowing for 100 hundred days was telling[micronukes].

  2. I find it interesting that no where does this site address the NIST's computer model and assessment of the collapse nor does ittake into account the effect of having the building collapse form mid height. the very fact that 20+ stories of the building were still intact above the point of failure added tremendous inertia to the fall. The floor systems were not designed it withstand having a 20 story building fall from 12 feet into it, such impact loading would be far in excess of the column load handling ability.

    If you want to be concerned about something, question the pentagon attack, that is far more sketchy than NYC.

    ADDED: Please note that the models that say the building should have taken 40 seconds do not take into consideration that the collapse was initiated mid-height or that the initial impact surged air down the central core and blew out all the first floor windows thereby neutralizing the air cushioning effect cited in the "pancake theory". It should also be noted that in controlled demolition, the destruction is initiated low in the building and uses the building's own mass to assist in the crushing demise of the structure, whereas the planes point of impact was mid-height, this element would come into play and falsely lending to speculation of controlled demolition.

  3. Another wasted investigation.  How many more do we need ?

  4. Another day another Edit

  5. As much as this is needed, it will never happen.



  6. Please stop, as  this it is extremely offensive.  To you it is theoretical, there weren't bodies in the streets. I am well aware of the infamous French doubt theories about September 11th. Keeping this nonsense going is offensive and pointless. These studies of half facts are just the new JFK assassin conspiracy theory. South Park had it right.

    Try crashing a plane with enough fuel to go cross country in the US (3,000 miles, 6 hours, full tanks) into any tall building - you'll get the same result.

    Just stop it.

    And I am not right wing by the way - voted against Bush twice as many Americans did (for all the good it did)

  7. It is good that they care, but I don't think anything will change.

    It is obvious to anyone with an open mind, and some understanding of science, that all was far from what the official story is.

    It says it all that no respected scientist will ally themselves to the official story, in a peer reviewed paper, that's because it can't be done.

    On the BBC in the UK recently there was a documentary explaining the fall of WTC7. It was laced with downright lies, right from the start.

    A lot people don't do much thinking for themselves, and all the mainstream media is disseminating the big lie, and propaganda.

    I don't think it's possible to have average, or above intelligence, to work out some basics all by yourself, and not realise the Popular Mechanics and other such explanations, are straightforward lies written for simple trusting folks.

    We'll see, but I guess it will not come to light, too many powerful people would have too much to lose.

  8. Oh please, I have had enough second hand "information" from supposed "experts" that interestingly enough backed Gore and kerry for president. Then put out reports that are "unbiased".

  9. aren't they a group of Short Bus rejects and taliberal lairs and haters

  10. T'iss about time!  Go team. Those new FEMA detention camps are almost ready to receive Bush, Cheney and the rest of the gang of crooks. Maybe they will get water-boarded to get the full truth out. Hope so.  Hope there are enough honest politicians to see the investigation take place. Somehow I doubt it.

  11. If you want to see the nail in the coffin of the official story do a search for the fall rate of the buildings. The fastest the buildings could have fallen in a vacuum is 10 seconds everything else air pancake theory just adds time. The shortest time I've heard anyone calculate the pancake theory is about 40 seconds. Both buildings came down in just about 10 seconds which is impossible without the floors being blown out. Most people don't even know about building seven. The governments own reports don't agree.

    I already know that I will be called names but not one person can show any sound math that can dispute the fall rate. At no time in history has the calculation for fall rate been wrong except at the trade center.

    Remember FEMA saying that is was safe to breath the air for

    the rescue workers. Check on the OSHA page to see what it says about exposure to concrete dust. Just keep believing the governments BS.

  12. Hind sight is 20/20. What could with stand a plane running into it ??????

  13. i don't know them but my mother-in-law is a big fan of 9-11 truth. she even has a bumper sticker.

    that should give me an idea, yes?

  14. thanks for the link......!

    i read a link about the 14 points of evidence that proved that Popular Mechanics report was a bunch of c**p~!!!

    and how the scrap steel from the building was quickly shipped off to China to be recycled, even though it is a standing Federal Law to keep samples of such evidence for investigation~!!!

    this administration started out on the premise that they were the "smartest men in the room" and that we were a bunch of uninformed sheep~!!!

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