
Do you know John McCain confessed to war crimes, do you want a war criminal as president?

by Guest59899  |  earlier

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Do you know John McCain confessed to war crimes, do you want a war criminal as president?




  1. I think John McCain was too busy being held as a POW and tortured along with his fellow soldiers for over 6 years to be involved in any type of criminal activity.  The guy is totally against water boarding those terrorists, which, by the way, may cost him my vote.  He was a soldier defending our country.  I bet you think that all soldiers are war criminals.  Go call your friends in the Jane Fonda Admiration Society.

  2. I'm voting for McCain.  Final Answer.

  3. No he did not... Quit lying... Look for valid criticisms pertaining to his policies, don't resort to lies.

  4. Not surprised so is bush playing risk for oil. They play like  like our miltary are toys and they it is so important to them the need to win badly to compensate for their on inferior insecurities. They are lacking some where else so the need these guns to make feel better about theirneeds and issues. Just selfish and crooked!

  5. Have you ever been tortured? You would confess to anything. He is a better man than you or anyone who would lower themselves to even know you.

  6. It's war!

    People do indeed do stupid things during war ..

    HELLO ! Haven't you heard of P.T.S.D ...?

    Post Tramautic Stress Syndrom ...?

    Seriously ..

    Get over it!

  7. as long as he does a joob job.

    and gets us out of this war with Iraq.

    Than yes I dont care.

    I am for him though

  8. We already have a criminal as a president. As a matter of fact most if not all of the presidents in the world have a criminal element in their make-up. That's why they're in power while the other 95% of the citizens are struggling day to day to get by.

  9. No, instead we should have a racist, Anti-American, terrorist supporter, Socialist who insults Americans and has criminal friends. Yeah, but of course Hussein could have never commited any war crimes since he never served his country!. Nice American huh Liberals?

  10. You mean when he was being tortured, not for information, but for political purposes?

    As far as war criminals, we've already had Bill Clinton in office, and people still seem to like him.

  11. loser says "what?"

  12. Yes. Looking at the alternatives, absolutely. Do you want a president named Barrack Osama Obama who thinks there are 57 states and does not cover his heart or say the Pledge of Allegiance?

  13. anarchy!!!!!!!!

  14. Lets tell the truth here...(even if i werent for him) He was a pow (prisoner of war) for 5 years, was beat and tortured... he has been said to let other prisoners go in his place.... hello... if anyone should be comended, it should be him..... Remember Ollie North.. they called for him to be president, even though he had no exsperience just because he made such a huge sacrifice as a pow... yes me made sacrifices, while you and I sat home and lounged on the couch and watched tv and soaked up the ac/heat.... he was giving more of himself for our freedom....

    Just To Tell The Truth.!

  15. Can you reference where this can be found?

  16. So is that a problem, according to John Kerry he committed warcrimes in Vietnam. That didn't stop the Democrats from running him as president.

  17. You guys really, really need to get a life already!

    P.S. Even if this were true (which it's not - duh!), SO WHAT?!?

  18. his supporters will skirt around this issue, and make excuses, just as they do on every other issue.

    Read the whole story here...


  19. Yes, he is qualified to Stay the Course of our President Bush! Obama does not have that unique qualification and experience!

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