
Do you know Where the People of the Ancient Civilizations around the Caucasian Mountains immigrated from ?

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Before they settled there ?




  1. Which ancient culture? The Colchians? Urartu?

    Please be more specific!

  2. i suppose you mean peoples such as the hurrians, the kaskians, etc. the question is one of the most hotly debated topics in archaeology and linguistics and there seems to be no consensus.

  3. The Middle East area, they were part of the Neolithic farming expansion about 10,000 years ago.

    As C Loring Brace has pointed out, a lot of Southern Europeans now look more like the middle Eastern farmers than the Cro Magnons that were there before. They started expading out with the discovery of agriculture. It wasn't a complete replacement though, they still have a lot of Cro Magnon DNA in South East Europe.

  4. This is a great question, because the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea form the major link of the Transcontinental Highway, from Africa to China!

    Worth noting, the earliest Homo erectus was found in the country of Georgia (Caucasus Region), 1.6 million years ago, as well as the Caucasian/Mongoloid split, which occurred 40,000 years ago, around the Caspian Sea!

    So, between those two dates, something BIG was going on, outside of Africa, and as science improves, we may yet learn more...

  5. look up the Tocharians!

  6. Silly, they came from Noah's Ark that landed in the Caucasian Mountains, in particular, on Mt Ararat.

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