
Do you know a funny joke?

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Here's mine:

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: I don't know. Maybe he had some important business to catch up on.




  1. Here is mine.

    Justiseman: Knot knot.

    Jessica Simpson: Who's there?

    Justiseman: s***w.

    Jessica Simpson: s***w who?

    Justiseman: I will s***w you up with my little friend. lol

  2. Another blonde joke

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœI can let you have this top-of-the-line stereo for nine hundred dollars, minus six percent for cash,” the salesman said.

    The customer, not able to figure the calculation, said he would think about the deal and return the next day.

    That evening, the fellow asked his blonde female friend, “If you were offered nine hundred dollars minus six percent, how much would you take off?” She replied, “Everything but my earrings!”

  3. Q:How do you make a one dissapear?

    A:Add a G and it's GONE!


  4. What kind of tie do famr animals where?


  5. Q:What did the pirate cop say when he caught someone stealing?

    A:We've got you arrrrrrrrmmmmmmed

  6. This is my favorite of all...

    A p***s, a cucumber and a zucchini are having a conversation about who has the worst life.

    The cucumber speaks first: My life is so bad, I get cut up raw and thrown in with all these asian foods and cooked.

    The zucchini says: Pfft... that's nothing. I have a bad taste and get left to the side not to mention no one likes me.

    The p***s says: You guys think you got it bad?! I get a plastic bag pulled over my head, shoved in a dark cave and banged around until I throw up!

  7. Im not funny...

  8. Q: What do you call cheese thats not yours.

    A: Nacho cheese


  9. 1.what did the snail say while riding on top of the turtle?

    answer: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    2. yo momma so ugly, when she went to the "who's the ugliest?" contest, the manager said, "no professionls!"

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