
Do you know a good plyometric workout...

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I am trying to increase my vertical leap and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good workout to help me do that more effectively.




  1. I'll give you a workout but plyometrics might not be the best workout for you. They're most effective if you already have a strength reserve that you haven't tapped into. Can you squat a lot? The weight room might be your best bet. Read this

    ankle hops 2x20

    line jumps (side to side) 2x40 each foot

    box jumps 3x8

    lunge jumps 3x12

    rim touches 3x10

    tuck jumps 3x15

    That's just one example. Make the workout harder as you progress by either adding a set or substituting more intense exercises. Get a lot of rest too. Plyos are tough on your muscles and nervous system.

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