
Do you know a good prayer?

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for a friend or someone unwell.




  1. Just talk to him like you woul to anyone.  God does not need anything special all you need to talk to him.

  2. Read the Bible. That's the best prayer.

  3. I think the best prayer is one that comes from your heart and doesn't have to be recited.

  4. Here is a small simple little prayer that you can say before starting each day.  Take you Bible and lift it into the air and pray this.

    "Lord this is my Bible, words from you.  If I let my Eyes is see, my Ears here it, and my Mouth speak it, my life and situations will change and I will no longer be the same, in Jesus name.  Amen!"

    What this means is if you let your Eyes see it (Read God's word daily), your Ears here it (Attend local church services where you can hear God's word taught), your Mouth speak it (Speak what God's word says about you and your situation) and if you truly believe in your heart that it is true and from God, then you will start seeing change take place in your life or situations.


    FreshStart Fellowship

  5. Our Father, in Heaven etc.

  6. Just pray what you feel, and if you're writing it in a card or something, it will mean more to them.

  7. I would say the person that teaches the words of The Lord - either from a Mosque or a Church... Nowadays Hospitals have that facility for terminal people... But you can pray to God and ask for help and care, if the person you're talking about cannot do this as is in a bad situation, then is better to ask for the praying service. My heart is with you. All the best for you and people you care about.x*x

  8. Yes - God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

    Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.  

    Please bless my friend, God, and all those I love.  Amen

  9. Hail Mary, full of Grace...

    7 chickens had a race...

    One fell down and broke it's crown...

    And that's the end of the Chicken Race.

    Actually... one thing that will save your friend whom is unwell...

    Hope... reminding him/her of the things that will continue to pump blood to their fight hard...the want and will to see another day...

    Prayers are hopelessness.

  10. You don't have to find posh words just think about the person, The Lord is listening. Have faith, He will hear you.

  11. YES... the best ones are in the Bible...

    Hosea 9:14-16 (NIV) (this prophet of God is improvising a prayer to the LORD about one of the tribes in Israel that he hates!!!...) Give them, O LORD— what will you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry and b*****s that are dry. (And by the future blood of Jesus, God rushes to answer him on the spot!!!) "Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal, I hated them there * (*the loving God hates one of the tribes in Israel!). Because of their sinful deeds, I will drive them out of my house. I will no longer love them* (*God won’t love this tribe of Jews at all in spite of the fact that he said “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee!!!); all their leaders are rebellious. Ephraim is blighted, their root is withered, they yield no fruit. EVEN IF THEY BEAR CHILDREN* (*these are innocent children of God’s chosen people that are slated for a big gory slaughter because God always takes it on the innocent children in the Bible! Praise THE LORD!) I WILL SLAY THEIR CHERISHED OFFSPRING."

    God always answers your prayer even before you open your eyes, but you must ask “according to his will”…!  You get an immediate answer especially when you pray for the slaughter of God’s chosen people and their babies that you don’t like! And the Christians make such a big deal against the PRO-CHOICE people who really NEED an abortion! How inhumane the Christians can get? They still think that they are in the Dark Ages!  

    Jeremiah 16:3-4 (NIV) For this is what the LORD says about the sons and daughters* (*Jewish babies) born in this land and about the women who are their mothers and the men who are their fathers: "They will die of deadly diseases. They will not be mourned or buried but will be like refuse lying on the ground. They will perish by sword and famine, and their dead bodies will become food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth."

    It is funny that prayers requesting the destruction of anybody have an immediate and enthusiastic response from the Bible God, but prayers on behalf of a sick person or on behalf of a sick baby may never be answered!  Even when YOU KNOW FOR SURE that God is the author of the EVIL in the life of the baby!

    2 Samuel 12:13-18 (NIV)  Then King David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die.* (*Isn’t God so sweet? King David had s*x with a married woman and had to kill her husband, but…!) But because by doing this you have made the enemies of the Lord show utter contempt, THE SON BORN TO YOU WILL DIE.”* (*Yeah… the Bible God always picks on the innocent and defenseless babies for a bloody slaughter, especially if this b*****d kid grows up and begins to pretend to the Throne of Israel!) After Nathan had gone home, the Lord* (*NOT SATAN!) struck the child that Uriah's wife had borne to David, and he became ill* (*poor baby! Hey, but God know why he is doing it so his enemies won’t laugh at him!). DAVID PLEADED WITH GOD FOR THE CHILD. He fasted and went into his house and spent the nights lying on the ground* (*Hardly any Christian today prays like that! They go to Benny Hinn for a miracle!). The elders of his household stood beside him to get him up from the ground, but he refused, and he would not eat any food with them* (*what else can a decent guy do? Healing Christian TV shows were not invented yet!). ON THE SEVENTH DAY THE CHILD DIED…

    YES! The Bible God, NOT SATAN had the poor baby dying on a slow tormenting death for 7 long days so King David and “the enemies of The LORD” learn a lesson.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœWHATSOEVER” is written in the OT is intended for the Christian of today, too! (Romans 15:4) God the Son Jesus Christ is not less of a baby killer, either!

  12. Of course, I do & here it is if you are really serious:

    Recite it presence of the person who is unwell keeping in mind the illness; 10-times in a go, daily; in case if, s/he cannot do it by him/herself. The prayer is:

    In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate...

    All that is in the heavens and the earth magnifies God.

    His is the Kingdom, and His is the praise,

    and He is powerful over everything.

    It is He who created you. One of you is an unbeliever,

    and one of you a believer; and God sees

    the things you do.

    He created the heavens and the earth with the truth,

    and He shaped you, and shaped you well; and unto Him

    is the homecoming.

    He knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and

    He knows what you conceal and what you publish.

    God knows that thoughts within the b*****s.

    Has there not come to you the tidings of those

    that disbelieved before, then tasted the mischief

    of their action, and there yet awaits them a

    painful chastisement?

    That is because their Messengers came to them

    with the clear signs, and then they said, 'What,

    shall mortals be our guides?' Therefore they

    disbelieved, and turned away; and God was in

    no need of them. And God is All-sufficient,


    The unbelievers assert that they will

    never be raised up. Say: 'Yes indeed,

    by my Lord! You shall be raised up,

    then you shall be told the things you did.

    That is easy for God.'

    Therefore believe in God and

    His Messenger, and in the

    Light which We have sent down.

    And God is aware of the things you do.

    Upon the day when He shall gather you

    for the Day of Gathering; that shall

    be the Day of Mutual Fraud. And

    whosoever believe in God, and does

    righteousness, God will acquit him

    of his evil deeds, and admit him

    into gardens underneath which

    rivers flow, therein to dwell for

    ever and ever; that is the mighty


    And those who disbelieve and cried

    lies to Our signs, those shall be

    the inhabitants of the Fire

    therein dwelling forever--- an evil


    No affliction befalls, except it be

    by the leave of God. Whosoever

    believes in God, He will guide his

    heart. And God has knowledge of


    And obey God, and obey the Messenger;

    but if you turn your backs, it is

    only for the Messenger to deliver

    the Manifest Message.


    there is no god but He.

    And in God let the believers

    put their trust.

    O believers, among your wives and children

    there is an enemy to you; so beware of them.

    But if you pardon, and overlook, and if you

    forgive, surely God is All-forgiving,


    Your wealth and your children are

    only a trial; and with God is

    a mighty wage.

    So fear God as far as you are able,

    and give ear, and obey, and expend

    well for yourselves. And whosoever

    is guided against the avarice

    of his own soul, those--- they are

    the prosperers.

    If you lend to God a good loan, He

    will multiply it for you, and will

    forgive you. God is All-forgiving,


    Knower He of the Unseen and the Visible,

    the All-mighty, the All-wise.


  13. If your Catholic the Rosary or Divine Mercy.If not then the Lords prayer followed by ernest petition and some sacrifice, Like fasting.

  14. Yes, we are not to pray memorized non-meaning prayers, but from our heart.  We can talk to God as our father as He is our Father in heaven.  We should address Him with respect and talk with Him from our bottom feelings.

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