
Do you know a nigerian website where i can buy gifts (chocolates, balloons) and send them to Lagos, Nigeria?

by Guest62887  |  earlier

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Hi everybody im a mexican girl with a special friend working in Lagos, Nigeria. I want to send him a present but i have looked at the nigerian yellow pages and through the Internet and i haven't find a website where i can purchase a gift such as a cake, cookies, chocolates, flowers or ballons and send them to Lagos. the website must accept paypal o money transfer, cos as i already said, im in Mexico.

Please, any help?!




  1. Listen. I am probably one of the few people who have been to Nigeria. I am not trying to put the country down,but they are very smart with the internet and scams. Nigeria is nationally known for their scams. Be aware! I would advise you to get in touch with a contact of your friend and get them to set up something for you. I was their working on building a church. My wife sent me a package that never showed up. I suggest you continue to send your support by word. I don't know if you know of people going to and from Nigeria, but that is another option.

    Please don't take this personal. I have friends in Nigeria too!

    I just know about the bad wrap they have there.

    By the way, there is more good people in the world than bad.

    It's too bad that the bad demand the most attention.

    I wish you and your friend the best!

    I would love to chat more about my experiences.


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