
Do you know a popular and typical folk song in Spain?

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song in spanish of course




  1. Of course.This is a childrens song that we sing outside. All kids, boys and girls make a circle, hand by hand. The circle they form is  "el corro" so they start turning around in one direction, and can change direction with a chosen quew, and also they have to enact the words of the song below, and represent it while moving "en corro".


    “Al corro de la patata

    Comeremos ensalada

    Lo que comen los señores

    Naranjitas y limones

    Achupé, achupé

    Sentadita me quedé”.

    The circle of the potato

    We shall all eat salad

    Eat what the lords eat

    Little oranges  and lemons

    Achupé, achupé

    Sitting I remained ".

      Enjoy it


  2. Debsh....I don't really know where did you get those "songs" but I've never heard them[and I'm spanish].....and somo of them are don't know if you know what have you written here....its better if you don't know....

    the first answer is good ^ ^;I sang it when I was its ok.

    other person said something of sara montiel....that's not's folk.....but the children really dont know of the existence of this woman and her songs.

    I sang these songs:

    Habia una vez un barquito chiquitito

    habia una vez un barquito chiquitito

    que no podía,que no podía que no podía navegar.

    pasaron un, dos, tres,

    cuatro , cinco, seis semanas,

    pasaron un, dos, tres,

    cuatro, cinco, seis semanas,

    y aquel barquito y aquel barquito

    y aquel barquito navegó.

    y si esta historia, parece corta,

    volveremos, volveremos, a empezar,

    había una vez un barquito chiquitito (bis)

    que no sabia, que no podía, que no podia, navegar..(and goes again)


    and this other:

    el patio de mi casa es particular

    cuando llueve se moja como los demas

    agachate y vuelvete a agachar

    que los agachaditos no saben bailar

    H I J K L M N A[spelled in spanish...obviously]

    que si tu no me quieres otro novio me querrá

    H I J K L M N O

    que si tu no me quieres,otro novio tendré yo

    chocolate, molinillo

    corre corre que te pillo!!!!!!!!!!

    a estirar a estirar;que el demonio va a pasar

    and this one....when it rains:

    que llueva que llueva

    la virgen de la cueva

    los pajaritos cantan

    las nubes se levantan

    que sí,que no

    que caiga un chaparron

    con azucar y turron

    que rompa los cristales de la estacion

    y los mios no porque son de cartón

    there are so many songs...but they're long to write;and I dont remember all the songs;so these were my favourites ^^

  3. hi, I answered the question above already, but yahoo, for some unknown reason, have AGAIN,deleted my account.which means i have to start again from scratch.(i was at level 3)

    so if you liked my answer, please give me (this me,NOT debsh 2) best answer.

  4. Quizas, Quizas of Sara Montiel

  5. its not  FOLK song but it was a fun song we all used to sing in many spanish schools;

    the chorus was just making these noises ; like of the tune, then this was the song, there are loads of variations of it;

    'las ninas de mi clase ya no van en la piscina,

    porque dicen que han visto una polla submarina'

    chorus noises

    'los ninos de mi clase ya no van en avion,

    porque dicen que han visto un marciano maricon'

    chorus noises

    it goes on forever, everyone knew diffrent versions :-)

    or another song we used to sing was;

    Una sardina (1 person would sing this)

    una sardina (everyone else would echo it aftrewoulds)

    Dos sardinas (1st person again)

    Dos sardinas (everuone else again)

    tres sardinas (1st)

    tres sardinas (everyone else)

    Y una ????? (1st person) they can say whatever they want by the question marks

    and then they say a name and that person tyakes over the 1st person bit.....

    i dont actually know what a folk song is........maybe if i knew i could tell you one...

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