
Do you know a site where i can learn to fix a car?

by Guest65406  |  earlier

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not the fancy stuff that service centers can only repair. i'm talking about run-of-the-mill car problems that most men know how to deal with but women dont. i just wanna be able to cope with anything that happens and not need any guys around coz i will be living alone for the next 5 years. thanx. good sites please. with detail and pics.




  1. A website will only tell you what to do- if you go to your local community center they will probably run courses in basic car repairs.  At least then you will know what you're dealing with, not just looking at some pictures on a screen.

  2. Well the site how stuff works is a real helpful site that can tell you how about anything you can think of works. Just check it out one day and see if this will be any help at all. Just an interesting web site.

  3. I learn't what I know from hands-on experience.

    To be honest you won't learn much on the net other than the jargon.

    Your local technical college or similar would run a home car maintenance program from time to time.

    Another way is maybe go to your local amatuer race/drift track on race-day and buy a (pit) pass with your ticket.

    You'll be able to watch all the run of the mill stuff close up and some crews may let you have a go yourself.

    Hope that helps

  4. Yeah here is a site with 2096 videos on car repairs and maintence,

    click on the link below, scroll down, and you will see a link to cars on the left. hope this is what your looking for.

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