
Do you know about KFC abusing chickens or something??? What is it exactly that has been going on??

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Do you know about KFC abusing chickens or something??? What is it exactly that has been going on??




  1. To the fellow responders to this question; Unless you are a total vegetarian you have no grounds to complain. Even if you only eat vegetables; the vegetables will die once you cut off its food source ie; cutting it off at the root. In the grand scheme of things we are near the top of the food chain. I'm sure Jesus downed a few slaughtered chickens and lambs back in the day when slaughtering back then was in its most primitive state. These animals are bred to be a food source and that's the way life is. There are a lot of farmers who sell livstock to support their families and to support the nation. One day maybe modern technology will provide a nicer way to kill the animals before they are slaughtered. Until then, enjoy your cheeseburger or bucket of chicken and be thankful your alive. By the way, have you went fishing lately.

  2. no, but i know they kill them to feed america.

  3. Got a mild case of food poisoning in Dallas last time on N. Buckner blvd.,,,no mo' kfc,,,don't wanna die...

  4. I've seen that video & I hope the animal welfare will look into this.......

  5. Yes, KFC does abuse their chickens has a lot about it, and a warning that i wish someone gave to me, dont watch the videos.

  6. Those peta people want you to get all excited about chicken being slaughtered for food......wish they would get off their soapbox.......The KFC story is old news, people just keep bringing it up because everyone wants to find bad things at fast food...

  7. I would object to being boiled in oil too.

  8. Go to PETA's website, I think they have a free DVD they send out that shows the kind of abuses that go on with KFC.

  9. don't blame many chicken farms do you think abuse chickens? probably near all of the major packaging industries. Tyson?

  10. Boycott KFC.  They use steroids in their chicken and abuse the poor chickens and I just can't take another bite.  I used to love it and now I am destroyed by the terror these poor animals face and the manner in which they are killed and we humans are exposed to steroids used to make them super-sized.  Isn't it sad?  Our food is going into the dumpster and forcing us into vegetarianism?

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