
Do you know about guinea pigs?

by Guest58075  |  earlier

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i'm decided to buy a guinea pig but don't know anything about them,would you please inform me?




  1. Okay, so rather than type out a ton of information I'm going to give you links to the best information out there.

    Care guide that goes over everything from diet, housing, and health care here:

    Information on guinea pig's social life:

    Information on how to build a nice big, cheap and easy to clean cage, pet store cages are almost always too small:

  2. You can get just one male and it does fine being alone in one big cage.  you got to give it the care it needs and some time to play with you.  Mine is happily waiting for me to give it new food and water everyday and it "purrs" when I enter the room.  I say some guinea pigs don't mind just being the only one but maybe that's a male guinea pig thing.

  3. Yes you should have two and you should play with them often to keep them socialized.

    Their cages must be kept clean and their toenails should be clipped periodically.

    Do not substitute rabbit or other rodent food for guinea pig food because they need a higher dose of vitamin C.

    Feed them fresh veggies on occaison and they LOVE oranges and  the vitamin C is good for them.

    There are also additives you can buy at the pet store to put in their water to make sure they are getting the proper nutrition.

    Buy a book on raising guinea pigs to answer your questions on day to day care.

    Have fun!

    Red is right about the bedding and the Timothy Hay.  You can also buy cages with wire bottoms and trys underneath.  It helps keep down the mess to put clay kitty litter in the tray beneath.

  4. whoever u bought it off should have told u all u need to know, i recomend you goin back to find out more

  5. 1 you need to have 2- they are VERY social animals

    #2 they take a lot of care and work

    #3 use this website to help

  6. Before you buy any animal always research. I am glad you are doing that, I would recommend buying a book about guinea pigs, going to your local library, or research online. Also If you decide you what to get one look at adopting. Not only will this save you money it will also give a guinea pig a loving home. Here is a website that you might find useful simply put in your zip code and it will display the guinea pigs available in your town. Good Luck!

  7. They need a lot of space, so buy a good sized cage.  Do not put their water in a bowl, they'll p**p or pee in it, so get a good sized water bottle.  Change their water every day.  They need fresh pellets, and vegetables daily.  They love Timothy Hay, and the long stalks of hay help clear out their system, so it can help prevent cancers, so give it an unlimited amount of that.  As for bedding, buy Aspen bedding, but DO NOT use cedar, or pine!  Cedar has fumes that can kill the poor little piggy, and studies show that pine has similar fumes.  Guinea pigs can live up to 9 years, so if you aren't sure you can commit to one for that long, please don't get one.  

    I hope this helps!  Have fun with your new potential friend!

  8. Yes.

    Don't buy.. adopt

    Read over this site for care info

  9. Do NOT feed a guinea pig a banana. It stops them up and makes them miserable.  They will eat it, but geez afterwards they look like they ache.

  10. i love guinea pigs ok you HAVE to buy TWO they get lonely can died u need to but a roomie cage not a fish tank! u need to line the bottom of the cage with news paper and u need to buy some small pet bedding to put over the news paper they sale it at petsmart get Guinea pig food and a water bottle not a dish they will knock it over buy them something to chew on to trim there teeth down idk if this is normal but my guinea lose his teeth so i have to mince his food very tiny so u may need to do that if that happens buying wen there babies bc i did and he was my best Friend and he never bit me but we bought a female for him and she was a lil older and she would always bite and was not very friendly but we bought her at a swap meet type place so b4 where u buy em 4rm

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