
Do you know about the Laws of Attraction?

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Do you know about the Laws of Attraction?




  1. Law of Attraction: Official Blog of Secrets - The Official Law of ...

    What Is The Secret? ... The secret does not seem to have brought happiness to some ... All of us at The Secret would like to express our deep appreciation and ... - 75k - Cached

    How To Apply The Secret

    So you've watched the secret and tried to use it to change your life but it's ... to study their success to find out which was the winning secret and follow it. ... - Cached

  2. You mean "Law of Attraction"?

    That's that hooey about how you can gt anything you want by thinking hard enough about it, or some such.

    That idea, under different names, reappears every decade or two. It's utter nonsense, but wishful thinking is a very popular delusion.

  3. yes-you tend to attract those things that you dwell on the most

  4. There aren't any to be honest

  5. bunkum

  6. Lol, course i do ;)

  7. Yes, actually it's rather complicated.  It goes a bit like this:  

    Geezers like birds...Birds like geezers.  And that's what makes the world go round.  

    Tune in to next weeks fascinating story,  "Adolph Hitler....was he really all that bad"?

  8. Yes, someone just gave me the book The Secret and I realized I've been living it's principals for most of my life

  9. Only one law is on the books.

    Guy has money Girl will be attracted to guy.  

  10. I must have forgotten, mate. I have become less popular as of late!

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