
Do you know about the climate change? What we should do to prevent it?

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Climate change is a hot topic now. We cann't exist in severe weather condition. It's time to act!




  1. I know a little about climate change but a lot about how politics works.   There's no better way to enslave a nation than to have its citizens place the shackles on their own legs.  And no better way to convince them to do that than to avoid some imagined future disaster.  Like gorebull warming.

    If global warming is a man made disaster why for the last several years has the mean global temperature been falling.  I not concerned about global warming, but I'm very concerned about sacrificing my freedom for gorebull warming.

  2. i totaly agree.

    it helps to do things like change your light bulbs, but more importantly we need to concider who we vote to be our leaders, and get groups to help stop global warming.

  3. If you want to prevent climate change then you need very body on the whole planet to recycle, stop driving their vehicles, travelling are people going to do this like NOT.

    People all the over the world do not care and they never will.

  4. I know the climate has always been changing on earth, the only thing constant is that the climate constantly changes.

    We are such a long way away from being able to control our climate and our weather that we will not see it in our lifetime.

    Anybody that claims it is possible to keep the climate from changing with current technology is a lying skunk.

  5. you should reduce your carbon footprint by having energy efficient light bulbs,walk or ride your bicycle as much as possible,weatherproof your home,plant trees and help local environmentalist organizations with their work.also go to this site and watch the inconvenient truth.thanks to Al Gore for making me change the way I live.

  6. There is nothing you can do to prevent this, its a natural process that has existed long before humans.

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