
Do you know about the effect anthropogenic nitrogen has on the environment?

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I'm going to have a little fun with this today.

How many crazy crackpot alarmist theories do we need to invent before the socialists succeed in tricking everyone into giving up their freedoms so we can have the one world government?

I mean, how much scientific evidence of man's effect on the environment do we need before enough people are motivated to do something about our environmental problems?




  1. about the time the process to extract nitrogen from the atmosphere was discovered the world was already approaching the point where we could no longer feed ourselves (around a population of 2,000,000,000) with natural sources of nitrates such as guano & manure.

    so you could say our current overpopulation is a result of anthropogenic nitrogen production.

    its been suggested in the past that the first world war may not have been possible without synthetic nitrogen because we wouldnt have had enough natural nitrates for both explosives & fertillizer for food production if limited to natural sources.

    so maybe global war is  also an effect.

    thats stretching the point pretty far but you asked for crackpot theories..

  2. Wow what a loaded question.  "how much scientific evidence of man's effect on the environment"

    Maybe we should study trees impact on the environment.  Somehow I figure trees effect the environment much more than man does.  And when we show trees have an impact, what should people do to limit the tress impact?

    Or maybe you're just referring to the religious view of man, that man is inherently evil, it's man's nature to sin and we need the preachers ("scientist") to save man from his own actions?

    And since you agree we know so little about the environment, what action should we take?  How do you know your actions won't cause more harm?  Or should we just blindly follow the consensus as there's safety in numbers?

    [Edit]  I've always wondered why all livings things are a gain for this planet except man.  Man only has the ability to meddle, and anything we do is unnatural.  Does this relate to the Bible and the concept of original sin?  Is it religions concept that life is better for us after we die, that Earth is just an imperfect place, made worse by man?  Or would that be the Devil that makes this place worse?

    I disagree.  Man is inherently good and his presents on Earth is not a negative thing.

    We should unleash mans intelligence, not slow it down.  Man will find a solution to our problems, not gvmts, and not if you have gvmt slow man down.

    Only objective science should be given attention.  The rest is interesting speculation that is just a work in progerss.  Objective science stands on the facts, not subject to the opinions of the people who believe it is real.  So far "global warming" falls far below that standard as no one can tell you if it will be warmer or colder anytime in the future.  it's just a guess.

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