
Do you know an illegal alien ?Yes/No/Not Sure, But I Suspect?

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Do you know an illegal alien ?Yes/No/Not Sure, But I Suspect?




  1. Yes, I seem those chumps every day. My neighbor hired about 2000 to redo his kitchen, but as we found out, 3 legal citizens could do a better job at half the price.

  2. yes i know many ,

  3. Yep lots and lots and lots lol

  4. Yes, many.  Both overstayers and illegals.

  5. where i live a lot of unauthorized citizens, but people here dont judge others lives

  6. Yup.  Several work in the maintenance team in my apartment building.

    Good guys, too.   Hope they stay.

  7. Not personally.  Report all illegal employers at

  8. I suspect..

  9. yes

  10. Yes I 'm sure I had a few in my classes

  11. oh yeah i know lots of them

  12. Yes thousands of them. 2000 are remodeling my kitchen as we speak.

  13. Yes,I'm married to one...and we are in the processes of him becoming legal in this country...actually we have the app. on the 22nd of this month...wonderfull people and families they have always been inviting to every one they meetso in my opinion they deserve a chance to stay here..lots of love

  14. Yes, a couple work at the construction company I do, lazy and cannot be trusted. I hope they leave or get deported.

  15. Yes I know a lot of people who are in the US who would technically be considered illegal aliens.  Personally, I don't hold anything against them, and I think they should be treated with the respect we'd give any other person.  Many just came to work and build a better life for themselves just like my ancesters did.  I also hate it that people like to lump together all illegal immigrants (ex:  "all of the illegal aliens I know are such hard workers"  or "all of the illegal aliens I know are lazy and they just suck money out of the system and ruin our economy").

  16. Oh yeah,I know a bunch.They're all good people too.

  17. i know many....keep my nose out of it....state in illinois.....need i say more?

  18. Of course. But I don't know of any French or English or German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swiss, Austrian, Finnish, Baltic, etc neighborhoods. I wonder why, and I've been all over.

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