
Do you know any acting excercizes or scripts or skits?

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please tell me I am going to acting school next week




  1. Oh i LOVE this question!!!

    OK, heres what you do. Get about  3 peices of paper. rip each of them in to 4 peices. (( now you have 12 slips )) on 4 slips, write a charcter. On another 4 slips, write a place. On the remaining slips, write the main plot

    eg: Britney spears; rehab; crying


    alien; Earth; confused about what to do / wher 2 go.

    stuff like that. once youve done this, you can put the places in one hat / bag. The plots in another, and the charcters in yet another. then draw a place, plot, and charcter from each hat. After you have those things, act out a little skit anywhere between 2 - 4 mins. It could be funny, dramatic, or even romantic.

    Hope i helped!!

    - Becca

  2. You do not need scripts or anything.  The best exercise is to make up scenarios on the spot and improvise.  You NEED improvising skills because if you mess up, you can't pause in the middle of the scene and say....ummm, sorry can I try again?  If you can improvise, you should have no problem with any script that they give you.

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