
Do you know any comedy sports games?

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Do you know any comedy sports games? I know two of them and I want to know more.

I know... What are you doing? and Props but that is it. Do you know any more?




  1. I'm actually trying to start one at my school. my favorites are Freeze and Movie maker.

    if you dont no them i'll explain. In freeze you have a couple of people start a scene, any scene, as long as it's funny. Then one (or more) persons from the audiance yelles freeze when ever they want. the actors have to freeze. the person goes up on stage and has to start a new scene. He can tap as many people out as possible, but if he taps one or more person out he has to assume their position. It is now up to the new person to quickly give the hest of teh actors hints as to what the new scene will be. it's the best if you have people who are good at acting and improve.

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