
Do you know any decedents to any famous history person?

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I know its a dumb question, but please help! Do you know any decedents to any history person such as Samuel Morse, benjamen franklin, ect....




  1. My friend is related to John Adams

  2. I am a direct decendent of both Harrison presidents.  Don't know if that matters since they aren't exactly FAMOUS....

    I also am a decendent of Captain Kidd.

  3. my friend is the grand nephew of jonh wilks booth, and for future refrence, Julius Ceaser had no heirs.  He had an adopted son, Octavius.

  4. I know someone from a forum who says he's related to Julius Caesar, which I seriously doubt. <.<;;

    There's a girl, Courtney Ford, in my grade who says that she's related to Gerald Ford.

    And my dad says that our family is related to the 1st Emperor of China, but I don't know.

  5. yes  me   Deacon John Larkin  he gave the horse to Paul Revere .For his famous midnight ride

  6. "Decedents" are dead people.  "Descendants" are those who descended from someone.  Of course, someone can be both.  :-)

  7. My Great great grandfather was Pretty Boy Floyd an Irish Gangster in the South and Midwest

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