
Do you know any games for a 14th bday party?

by  |  earlier

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hey i'm a girl turnin 14 and i need some good games to play at my bday party tht aren't tht all expensive but tht are really any suggestions??




  1. have 2 teams, a big blank wall, and have one girl form each team stand on a stool up against the wall. yell go! and each girl on the team has to duck tape the girl standing on the stool to the wall...then after 7 min.s, yell stop!! and then have one girl from each team remove the stool, who ever is still on the wall wins!LOL!!!!!

    ok heres another thats fun but sounds stupid but seriously its awesome haah

    ok have one girl with a pillow sack or a big ole blanket on her head sit down in the middle of a big empty or almost empty room. shes not spose to be able to see, so make sure she cant. then yell go and she has to either stay in that one place and try to get u ( if she has a blanket on her)....or, if she has a pillow case on her head, she can run around and try to get u....o and it has to b dark, thats the  13 and i play these when i have big sleep overs or even sleepovers with oinly 3 people including myself....


    i was playing the pillow case game and it was my turn to get was pitch black and we were in a friends basement!it was actually 2 in the morning ( we actually stayed up all night i litteraly mean we got no sleep at all!)

    i was trying to get my friend and she jumped over the couch, which i didnt know was there. i ran into the couch and did a flip over it and landed flat on my butt on a cushion then bounced off of that and landed on her! it was sooo funny....then i ran head 1st into a pole...

  2. spin the bottle

  3. Well,I will be 15th this monday

    So I will go to the bowlings w a friend

    C a movie

    Go to a mall

    Hang out w a friend

    Make pranks

    Sleep party or whatever

    Tell scary stories at 1 or 12 foward woulb be fun or go to a ¨haunted place¨to c whats in...oh! HAPPY BDAY DUDE!!!

  4. Spin the bottle & Seven minutes in Heaven

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