
Do you know any good books on what it was like for children being evacuated in WW2?

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I'd like a book for my teenager on what it was like for a child being evacuated to the countryside in WW2, (like a diary thing or something) she needs to find out for her schoolwork and I'm quite interested too. Can you help?




  1. "Goodnight Mr Tom" and carries war are both good books

  2. how about the Diary of Anne Frank? its a good book pertaining to life during the Holocaust.

  3. My grandad was evacuated. When we did WW2 I used his experience and we also had to read Goodnight Mr Tom

  4. Carrie's War and Goodnight Mr. Tom are both excellent stories - but they are stories.

    This website has some accounts which is probably what your daughter needs:

    The following books are also accounts rather than stories:

    Evacuees: Evacuation in Wartime Britain 1939-1945 by Mike Brown.

    War Children by Phil Robins.

    A Wartime Childhood (Family Scrapbook) by Faye Gardner

    An Evacuee's Journey by Peter Hepplewhite.

    Evacuees, 1939-1945 by Mike Brown

    Evacuation by Steward Ross

    There is also:

    Children of War: The Evacuees - DVD

    Back Home DVD

  5. there is a text book,called modern history,that features that



    i think its (dot)net.

    itwas set up by the GCSE examiner

    and i used in when idid my GCSE just last month

    it helped on everyhting,including evacuation

  6. apart from the lion the witch and the wardrobe? :-)

    a new book out recently (bit more adult..) is called the welsh girl - and it has interesting ideas about displacment in the ww2 - with issues of nationality and 'belonging' to an area

  7. The Diary of Anne Frank

    Goodnight Mr Tom

  8. When the Germans were rolling in from Belgium and from the Ardennes Forest in the east, French women and children, who lived in northern France, the Picardy region, fled to the Brittany coast. Bombs were falling everywhere. The women and children were refugees. Nevertheless those in Brittany opened up their houses to them. Once the Germans had occupied Paris and France, the women and children returned to their Picardy region in northern France. As far as books, I've never read any about the French World War II refugees.

  9. "The Last 100 days" - a book dealing with the efforts by the German Army trying to evacuate children (as well as others) from the Soviet Army which commited untold acts of violence against ALL peoples fleeing west to escape having to live in a Soviet occupied area after the war.  This included Germans, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Ukranians, Rumanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, and yes even Russians and Poles.  One horrible account discussed was a 15 year old girl literally being confined to some wooden object while the Russian soldiers repeatedly raped her until she died.  Try including this stuff for that teacher - I guarantee you she will never allow it to be told.  You can guess why!!!!!

  10. Anne Frank's Dairy is definatley not about children being evacuated! Good Night Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian is one of my favorites! and Carries war is good as well. Theres also this one called When The Siren Wails but i dont know who its by! thats teh kind of thing i did at school when i was doing WW2

  11. "Goodnight Mr Tom" is exactly what you need

  12. Carrie's War is a good one - I read it with my Year 6 class this year.

  13. Carries war is really good.

    Its not about typical life as an evacuee because the children seem to go on alot of adventures, when in real life, they wouldn't be allowed because of bombing raids.

    I think theres another one called friend or foe and i have a feeling its by Micheal Morpurgo, but im not sure. I read it in primary school years and years ago, that was good.

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