
Do you know any information about being a thoroughbred racehorse trainer???

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What is an average day for a thoroughbred racehorse trainer?

How much do they get paid a year??

Do they just get paid from the races or do they have any other ways of getting paid??

What is a day like for them on raceday???




  1. Average Day - arrive at barn 5:30 am.  Check with assistant or foreman to see if any horses had problems overnight, running a temp., did not eat, etc.  Watch all horses not going to track walk.  Feel every horse's legs for heat, swelling, etc., stretch joints, basically do a soundness exam on each horse.  Watch these horses walk & trot.  Move on to first set of horses going to the track.  Do entire above routine.  Bring horses and riders outside of shedrow to walking area.  Watch horses walk and trot before sending them out to the track.  Go out and watch first set on track.  Repeat process for however many sets you have.  By 10:30am tracks usually close for training.  Back at barn meet vet and go over any problems, race day medications, etc.  Have instructions for farrier.  Meet with assistant(s) and/or foremen and discuss barn issues.  Decide on work sets and training regime for the following day.  Make decisions regarding entries, claims, etc.  Call owners (this is a big one).  Eat lunch.  Change clothes and be ready to saddle horses for their races, leaving lots of time to network with clients.  If not racing, go back to the barn or office.  There's a lot of paperwork, regarding keeping owners up to date, making sure horses are nominated for upcoming races, reading the condition books to find races to point for, arranging shipping if necessary, ordering feed, supplies, etc.  Some trainers will use afternoon hours to be very hands-on with their horses (i.e. grazing, cold hosing, etc.).  Go home, eat dinner, get some sleep and start in the morning.

    Pay rate for trainers varies widely.  Are they good?  Do they have a lot of horses?  Do they race at Belmont or Hoosier?  Most trainers will charge a day rate to train a horse and also get a percentage of the horse's earnings.

  2. If you get a complete answer to your question this site will probably crash

  3. Trainers are paid a fee by the owner to train the horse. Trainers also get a percentage of any winnings the horse might earn.

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