
Do you know any other rhymes about the Tudors?

by Guest33682  |  earlier

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you know..Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived? Well are there any other rhymes like that about the Tudors? Thanks :)




  1. mary mary quite contrary  how does your garden grow. etc

    is about mary of scotland her garden is all the french maids she brought.

    ring around the rosey

    pocket full of posey

    ashes ashes

    we all fall down

    is about the black plague

    the rosey ring is the red ring around the bubo that forms

    the pocket full of posey is the herbal remedy's used

    ashes were the burning fires to stop the plague

    and we all fall down dead

  2. Henry 8th was a big fat man,

    he loved 2 stuff his face in the frying pan.

    And if he kept away from the sweety jar

    he wouldn’t of ended up like Dracula!

    Henry 8th was a big fat man,

    he loved 2 stuff his face in the frying pan.

    And if he kept away from the beer and wine,

    he wouldn’t of ended up Frankenstein!

    I can't remember the rest, it's from a horrible histories tape

  3. Hey Diddle Diddle is by many accounts supposed to be about Queen Elizabeth I, the last Tudor monarch.

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