
Do you know any places I (and maybe my 12 year old) can do some volunteer work in Brooklyn NYC?

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Do you know any places I (and maybe my 12 year old) can do some volunteer work in Brooklyn NYC?




  1. You should check with your child's school.They may have a list of places to apply.Also try the library and a nursing home.How great you want to teach your child that volunteering is a wonderful thing to do.Also ask about it at your church.

  2. Contact your local Kiwanis Club.  The Kiwanis welcomes students to volunteer with various activities.  We have the Key Club, which is specifically for students.

  3. Call around to a few Churches.  They will tell you where and when the food pantry is open.  That is a great place for young people to help with unpacking and stacking shelves and filling orders.

  4. idk if u have any where u live but try:

    a retirment/elderly home

    animal humane society,

    wings rehabilition (for animals, thats where I volenteer but in Canada, it's very nice there).

    I'm not sure about any where else or if they accept 12 year old volenteers...

    but good luck anyways.

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