
Do you know any restaurant owners near Fremont, Ca?

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i'm doing an english project than requires interviews. I need at least 4 interviews pertaining to restaurants/cafes/bakeries/coffee. i was wondering if you know any small/private (non-chain) people that would be good for interviews. the quicker, the better!




  1. Most ethnic restaurants are local and not chains, like Sala Thai, Banh Thai, Gyro Express, and Shalimar. Classic Diner is also local. I can't vouch for how helpful the owners will be, but it won't hurt to call them (try a time that isn't busy, like mid afternoon.

  2. You could try Michael's Gelato in Palo Alto. Michael Lucich is the owner and he's a very interesting guy who owns several types of businesses. The phone # is 408-322-8200. Have some gelato while you are there (if you go)- it's delish!

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