
Do you know any site that have chess games with analysis on every important moves?...?

by  |  earlier

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mostly nigel short and bobby fisher games will do...

i need that analysis so i can apply wid my game

or if any of you can give me tips how to feel comfortable during tournaments will do.

or if u wnt to play games in ym just add me beni_00_00




  1. Hi,

         Just visit my web page - link below?  See 'Analysis' under the letter 'A' in the dictionary?

    Yours sincerely,


  2. try

    although the view of the analysis is unavailable

  3. As far as a website, is an excellent resource and has alot of commentary, and sometimes good analysis.  You can search on Nigel and Bobby and get just games they have played.

    As far as analysis, you could purchase Fritz 8 which will probably be around $10 now and will auto-analyze your game with tons of excellent analysis.

    When you are in a tournament, what kind is it?  Is it face to face, internet, rated?

    If it is the internet, I would suggest the things you normally would do while at home or wherever you play.

    If you are in a tournament face to face, I find that sometimes going for a walk for a minute and thinking about something else not only calms my nerves but gives me a new perspective on the game, sometimes seeing moves I would have completely missed.  I also avoid caffiene and any of the "red bull" type of drinks as it just makes you wired and you risk the chance of the big downer after it wears off.

    Sometimes looking at other peoples games helps as well as it lets you see things in a new way.  Lastly, looking at the board from the opponents view (literally stand behind your opponent) and try to see what you would do if you had his pieces.  Sometimes it takes your mind off the immediate and when you get back to your move you suddenly see something you would otherwise have missed.

    Hope this helps.

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