
Do you know any stories or legends of the moon?

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For writing assignment purpose, I would like to find out some stories about the legend of the moon from the world. I have tried the web already, but still don't feel good enough. If you could offer me any more stories about it, I would appreciate a lot. thanks.




  1. Nordic: One story is that Manni ("Moon") was lovers with Sunna ("Sun"), but when it was discovered, they were told it was forbidden to be lovers because they were betrothed to others. They didn't stop, and so they were thrown into the sky, never again to be together. Manni is chased by wolves to prevent their being together, but on rare occasion they're allowed a rare visit: eclipses. Manni is also a male, with Sunna being female. The only other culture that has the sun as female is Japanese.

    Native American (Mission): A friend of mine told me that Mother Earth and Father Sky wanted to have children together, but after many winters there were none. Sister Moon came in, and Father Sky had children with her, which he then gave to Mother Earth. Sister Moon brought us life, but Mother Earth is jealous.

    Lots of stories like this in folklore around the world, most of them short.

  2. There is the following:

    The Hare in the moon - India and Asia -

    Hina the woman in the moon - polynesian and hawaiian -

    why the moon waxes and wanes - Nigeria -

    bahloo the moon and the daens - australia -

    toad in the moon - native american - southwest -

    Astarte the moon goddess -

    Moon Lore By Rev. Timothy Harley - - excellent source for many many of the myths and gods and goddesses of the moon.  

  3. I'm guessing Sailor Moon wouldn't be an appropiate answer?

    Didn't think so...I'd say, keep searching the web. Somethings bound to turn up.

  4. Seem to remember that the childrens rhyme Jack and Jill is actually Hyuki and Bil an old norse story thats linked to the moon. Check out the Norse Eddas they've got a couple of good moon myth's. Like how the Moons being chased by a Demon wolf called Hati.

  5. I remember a folk story about the moon. Here is an abridged Version. The town loves the moon, but takes her for granted. The moon decides to hide and the monsters of the night escape and terrorize the town. The moon returns but hides one night every cycle to show her importance. ( i am sorry but it is probably not the original version, but i tried my best to remember)

  6. I can only offer at this time that there must be something about the moon and stories to tell or I could not have made an abstract drawing or begin to write a story about what lies between the moon and a particular place on earth or even what stories the moon has for us.  

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