
Do you know any tips for any anime drawing ?

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well i would like to know how to draw ryoko from tenchi muyo and if you know any websites about it please tell me ?? also if you know any good sites on how to draw anime or manga which is simple and easy to do plewase tell me :) thank you




  1. Big eyes, small triangular nose, oval shape mouth open slightly, draw the hair in blocks not strands and try to colour the hair in purple but bring it from white at the roots down to dark colours at the tips.

  2. here:

    its the best .you can seach there and look at other art work and they are some how to draw thing there.good luck :)

  3. I constantly like to use, it's a really good website on drawing anime from head to toes and even more! You can also use for manga drawing. And I also use they teach about perspective, anatomy, and proportions and stuff. Here is another website that has a BIG collection of anime tutorials in case you're interested. :)

    Hopefully these websites can help with your drawing. Good luck!

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