
Do you know any tournament winning Yu-gi-oh D.D. Monarch Deck? If yes please suggest.?

by  |  earlier

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Please give me some help. I want to make my D.D. monarch deck better, because i know that this won't make any win. I don't want any destiny draw or cards like that.




  1. Macro Monarch decks don't win MAJOR(key word) tournaments, but they can win locals. Here's a cheaper alternative as Cyber Valley and Allure of Darkness are expensive Cards. They do make the deck a whole lot better, though.


    3 caius the shadow monarch

    2 thestalos the firestorm monarch

    1 mobius the frost monarch

    3 d.d survivor

    3 gravekeepers spy

    2 cyber dragon

    2 d.d scout plane

    1 morphing jar

    1 spirit reaper

    1 gravekeepers guard

    1 Exiled Force


    2 dimensional fissure

    2 d.d.r different dimension reincarnation

    2 soul exchange

    2 reinforcement of the army

    1 lightning vortex

    1 smashing ground

    1 mst

    1 heavy storm

    1 brain control


    3 macro cosmos

    3 Solemn Judgement

    1 Trap dustshoot

  2. a good one is

    monster 20

    3 surviver

    3 scout plane

    2 apprentice magician

    2 old vinicive magician

    2 cyber valley

    2 gk spy


    3 caius

    2 thestalos

    spell 6

    lightning vortex


    2 allure  if you can get them they help lots

    2d fissure

    heavy storm

    traps 13

    3 macro cosmos

    2 bottemless

    3 dust tornado

    mirror force

    torrential tribute

    2phenoix wing wind bast

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