
Do you know any ways I can help motivate my Volleyball team?

by  |  earlier

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This is my senior year, and we have a really awesome volleyball team. All of the girls get along really well and we're like a family. But on the court it's a whole different story :( There's like this HUGE mental block for our team, it's like we have all the talent but when it comes down to using it we don't. We do stupid mistakes and basically beat ourselves. In practice we do great but i don't know what it is. Please I really need some advice, season is about to start and i really need something that's going to help my team out.




  1. Have a cheer! Tell them that every time they get a block you say AAAAAAA. And then every time you get an ace say AAAACE! Just play around with it and if you are out there cheering and pumped up then hopefully they will relize that, that is what they need to do!!

    Good Luck!!


  2. Well its good that you guys work together as a family. That really helps a team pull together when it works. About games and stuff you need to learn to be serious, try almost getting mad at somone. Show some aggression. nit necessarlity to a team member but sometimes getting fired up helps you be motivated to work better.  Make it so you want to win. Don't get mad at your team themselves just make sure its out there that you want to win almost at all costs. im not sure if you get my point exactly cause its hard to explain in words but i hope i helped

  3. I'd have to ask, durring pratice is there enugh girls to have a second team or a Jr. Varsity team that you guys can pratice with in a "live" match.

    My Thought is that although you have the good teammate vibe going on, you lack concentration, and that's something that really is only brought on by competition and learning from one's mistakes. Now, part of it may be nervousness, but it sounds like it's a simple one you get on the court you dont' execute and can't get the job done...

    not sure how getting mad at the other team might help, think it'd distract myself, but people find things to be usefull in their own right...

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