
Do you know any well known science fiction writers????

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the name n the book they wrote would help





  1. I second Douglas Adams, he wrote the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

    Timothy Zahn - Heir to the Empire trilogy (star wars)

    Michael Stackpole - Rogue Squadron (star wars)

  2. Robert Heinlein in my Fave - Stranger in a Strange Land, Rocket Ship galileo, Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Time Enough for Love.

    David Weber - Honor Harrington Series (first book is "On Basilisk Station")

    William Golstone - Ashes series

    L. Neil Smith - the Probability Broach

  3. Ray Bradbury:  Martian Chronicles, Farenheit 451

    Issaic Asimov:  I, Robot

    Douglas Adams:  Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    H.G. Wells:  Time Machine, War of the Worlds, Island of Dr. Moreau

    Edgar Rice Borrough's:  John Carter of Mars

    Arthur C. Clarke:  2001, A Space Odyssey, 2010

    Phillip K. d**k:  Blade Runner

    Harlen Ellison:  The Terminator

    Robert Heinlein:  Starship Troopers

    L. Ron Hubbard:  Battlefield Earth, Mission Earth

    Aldous Huxley:  Brave New World

    Dean Koontz:  Star Quest

    C.S. Lewis: Chronicles of Narnia

    George Lucas:  Star Wars

    Kurt Vonnegut:  Slaughterhouse Five, Cat's Cradle, Breakfast of Champions

    Many more here:

  4. Michael Crichton -- Jurassic Park, The Andromeda Strain, Sphere, Prey

  5. Ooh no-one's mentioned John Wyndham yet.

    Day of the Triffids

    The Chrysalids et al

  6. H.G. Wells, author of "The Time Machine". Great book.

  7. Here are my favs:

    "The Tomorrow File"  by Lawrence Sanders

    "The Gentle Giants of Ganymede" by James Hogan

    "The Planet Strappers"  by Raymond Z. Gallun

    "The Stone God Awakens"  by Philip Jose Farmer

    "Thrice Upon a Time"  by James Hogan

    "Cat's Cradle" et al by Kurt Vonnegut Jr

  8. Arthur C Clarke – 2001 a space odyssey

    Douglas Adams – Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

    Isaac Asimov – a TON of them including I, Robot

    Aldus Huxley – Brave New World

    Orson Scott Card – Ender's Game

  9. Madeleine L'engle, she wrote the 'Time Quartet' series.

  10. Doris Lessing has written a sci-fi series. I haven't actually read them but I hear they are good.  

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