
Do you know anybody who's ever been or almost been attacked by a shark?

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Do you know anybody who's ever been or almost been attacked by a shark?




  1. You don't think about it but everytime you go out there's sharks w/in a 1-mile radius.

    I get a little nervous when I see sea lions because that is what great whites chomp on but it's part of surfing and you deal with it.

  2. NO, if you surf you just don't think about sharks.

    For additional surfing information check out my website

  3. i hate when people think about sharks. YOUR NOT GOING TO GET ATTACKED

  4. no never known anyone. It's incrediably rare so just don't worry about them and if you're really freaked about it surf in an area with a reef under it or alot of seaweed because sharks don't tend to go in those areas and don't attack there.

  5. Yes. Shaper Bruce Grimes. He was in Mexico last month and was bitten in the hand. He's really fortunate though, the other two shark attacks in Mexico were fatal.

  6. you have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting hit by the landlord. id be more worried about the stingrays and jellies

  7. i haven't been attacked, but I've been bitten twice (different days)

    I live in Florida. Its not that big of a deal, because there are sharks everywhere where I surf. I'm sure many ppl have been nipped.

    I do, however, have scars from both times.

    My foot has a jagged scar running from the middle of my ankle, all the way to my smallest toe.

    My left knee has a small scar (less than an inch) from when a sharked just nipped me.

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