
Do you know anyone from England? What is it like there? free 10 points?

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I have always wanted to go to london or around the england area. Even scotland or ireland, what is it like? a free 10 points to best answer! actually i always do best answers but more people pay attention when you say that! = p




  1. We don't have bad teeth, old people have bad teeth, because they are old, but i am pretty sure that you'll find that round the globe, and we can have free dentist care up to the age of 18..

    So way to go with your outdated inaccurate stereotypes guys!

    You can find any food you want in any of the big cities,

    i don't think the food is bad and most eating places are quite health conscious these days. But personal opinion i guess,

    & theres always mcdonalds ..

    You'll find loads of different accents whereever you go,

    and especially different are scottish,irish and english accents.

    Each country equally lovely with there different attractions.

    The big cities are all buzzing and exciting with lots to do and see,

    And the countryside is really pretty.

    Theres lots of history, art, music and culture.

    People here are as diverse as they are in the usa,

    we're not a different breed to you guys , we simply have a different accent and maybe slightly different ideologies.

    I doubt there are any less rude people here than you'll find where you live now, and we have crime rates but you'd expect that anywhere where there was a fair amount of people.

    Right now you can roughly half the dollar to get the amount in gb pounds.

    You'll be able to buy anything you forget to pack especially in big cities like london.

    We have a few different words,

    Escalators here refer to the moving stair things you'll find in big shops ,airports and tube stations,

    Escalators here are called lifts ..  

    You can refer to the 'bathroom' as the bathroom, people will understand what you mean, people also call it the loo, but potato , potato, which doesn't really work when its typed but there we go.

    I don't get how people don't queue in other places, you line up in an orderly fashion to wait your turn ,right?

    There is so much to do here, so you should probably plan your trip quite well,especially if you're going to England,Scotland and Ireland (What about wales?) It's like 3 'vacations' in one.

    Good day old chap.


  2. England is the most beautiful place I have EVER seen! I would defiantly recommend going there, but expect a lot of attention. Everyone's going to ask you to say something because your accent is so different to theirs, but it's fun. There's a lot of things to do and there's a lot of really nice, caring people.

    Ireland is beautiful too. Again, expect people to ask you to talk, but other than that, take a look at the castles they have their. Truly astonishing! Beautiful land and beautiful sights.

    I would sooo recommend going!!

  3. Bad food.

    Bad weather.


  4. Goodness! Love the over-worked sweeping generalisations!

    I am from England and not everyone has bad teeth and not ALL of the food is bad. Makes me laugh that people from America say this, when all of their food is out of pre-packed containers and hardly anybody cooks real food.

    England is much more than just food anyway. I mean, who comes to England to eat the food? They come for the culture, for the history, for the Queen, for the football, for the politeness of its inhabitants. For just being England. Worth a visit, definitely!

  5. i went there once. it's pretty and interesting with its culture and history.its a bit cold and rainy though

  6. What's England like?

    New York is not like the Kansas prairies.

    And in England we pack that much difference into a much smaller country.

    To list just the landmarks, beauty spots and tourist sites would not be fair, though we have many, many of them.

    There are also the souless identical shopping centres

    (When you've seen one large modern shopping centre you've seen...), dire housing estates, industrial blight...

    London is magnificent and ugly in equal proportion.

    Hyde Park is a million miles from Kilburn High Road, and two.

    What you might expect in a very crowded industrial and post-industrial island.

    So everything then, really.  

    But visitors tend, very sensibly, to find the highlights: the historic, the fascinating, the sheerly beautiful.

    The village where I live is hardly typical, but very English it is.

    (and a 325-year-old house isn't typical either. but that's not old, old, by UK standards.)

  7. Idk how it is, but i know someone from england and shes like the most annoyingest friend cause shes dumb/blonde as ****

  8. i know some people in my soccer team who have uncles over there

    they say the scenery is nice but food is awful

  9. Yes I know myself.

    We get stick for having bad teeth (we actually have very straight teeth we just don't go mad and have them whitened every month and ours don't glow blue under a blacklight like yours) and the weather isn't all that bad if you're in the south i.e, London, Essex, Kent.

    It's very windy on the coasts and very rainy up north.

    England in its own rights is a v ery cultural country and there is alot to whether thats sightseeing around old haunted castles or town fayres (a sort of flee market is you didnt know)

    I hope that helps and sorry for my little rant but its really annoys me when we're stereotyped as I'm sure it does you.

  10. The weather sucks in winter, but in Summer it cannot be nicer.

    The food is delicious though there's not much unique to us, but we have so many cultures in the food department it's SO much better than America.

    We all have wonderful teeth. Just because the Americans actually have to pay for health care when WE can get it free, they have for some reason developed this sterotype that we all have wooden planks for teeth.

    As someone else said, none of us speak in a Cockney accent, nor to any of us talk like James Bond. Nevertheless, we do speak so much nicer than Americans. One of the reasons why I'm planning to move to America is so I can steal all your girls with my seductive accent. lol.

    No one in England has eaten scones for a 50 years, and we haven't dressed in bowler hats for 100. We may love tradition but that doesn't mean we cling on medievel culture. Again, as someone else said, we do not drop what we're doing at 6 pm for "tea time". We eat dinner and then snack if we're hungry just like everyone else on the planet. The closest we get is having buscuits occasionally with our tea or coffee, which we enjoy at all times of day.

    If you're thinking about coming here then great, but just don't go to Portsmouth.

  11. Its really San Francisco ish  (minus the realllllly g*y stuff) , they love art , beer , politics its  a really fun place

  12. I'm from England. Everything an American needs to know about England you can read in the book called "Lessons  From The Land Of Pork Scratchings" by Greg Gutfeld. (Google it, there's some chapters online)

    But here's some other facts about this wonderful country.

    1) We don't know the Queen, she's just a tourist attraction.

    2) We don't talk like James Bond.

    3) We don't stop what we're doing at 6pm to drink tea. And this is not called "tea time".

    4) Yes, our beer isn't as cold as yours, but we make beer to be enjoyed and not to be served ice chilled so it has no taste.

    5) Native British food sucks. But we have so many different cultures here that you'll find exactly what you want when you want.

    Like someone said earlier, people "up north" are a lot more hospitable than southerners. London is fast paced like any major city, so if you want to get away from it all, try places like Lincoln, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool.

    Oh, and you HAVE to go to Grimsby to try fish, chips & mushy peas.


  13. It can often be cold and rainy; but the landscape is beautiful. The food didn't taste good though. Plus, the Beatles were from there!

  14. It depends upon what part of England you are in. London is a typical big city in the impersonal nature and lack of connection between individuals. However, it is one of the most beautiful cities around and the history is amazing. I spent time farther north a long time ago and it was very different from London. The people are much most hospitable. It is definitely worth seeing, as is Ireland.

  15. englan is a cold and lonely plaace sometimes ,believe me i live here!i have lots of friends and its fun because you can go to anywhere you want without people having guns in their pokets,you can sleep better here than in foreighn countries for some reason and its fun to go to theme parks,some times the british can be racist and make fun of your accent but once you get to know them you find many of them are polite people.Give me 10 pionts please i am the most experienced here!!!!!!!!1

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