
Do you know anyone that ...?

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... smoked weed while pregnant and their baby ended up having some kind of defect or abnormality?

let me make it clear that i am not looking for your personal opinions on the matter. do not answer this question with a negative comment about mothers who smoke while pregnant and how horrible you think they are. i have had 4 friends smoke while pregnant and they have the happiest healthiest kids i have ever met.

also, do not tell me that the baby will come out addicted to weed because that is actually impossible. there is nothing in weed that can cause you to become physically addicted to it, if anyone ends up addicted to weed it is purely a mental addiction and that has been proven.

i just want to know if anyone actually KNOWS someone that had a baby with some sort of problem [ADD or ADHD does not count, everyone has that these days] because the mother smoked during pregnancy.





  1. I haven't but i would think that a higher chance of asthma or lung problems. I think ADD/ADHD is out, have you ever met a hyper pothead? JK kinda. I don't think that it is the best thing to do while pregnant and that giving it up is a sign of maturity and love for your child but you will understand what I mean later in life with that comment. I'm certainly not going to judge you for it though.

  2. I actually just met someone that has admitted to me that she smoked weed while she was pregnant. I was shocked!!! Her daughter is three now, almost 4. Healthy. I wouldn't condone drugs while pregnant though, I think she got lucky.  

  3. the same concerns would be as if smoking tobacco. low birth weight adhd premature babbie lung problems  

  4. This is what I do know, many doctors will tell you if you have smoked pot regularly (3 or more times a week) during the first trimester of the pregnancy, it is probably a bad idea to quit cold turkey, same with cigarettes and other things the mother may addicted to such as caffeine.  The reason for this is stress on the woman would be so great as to harm the baby as well.  I have never met anyone who smoked pot while pregnant and had a baby with problems.  All the children I know that have been born with health concerns was due to hereditary things, i.e. asthma (in a baby who's mom never smoked), ADHD, skin color issues (my niece is bi-racial and has skin pigment issues like I do but hers are more noticeable due to her darker skin pigment), and skin disorders such as eczema.  I cannot with certainty say that the women I know who smoked pot had healthier babies in general since there are too many factors besides that herb to consider with each of my friends and family who have kids.

    Hope this helps somewhat.

  5. Veronica,I'm not trying to scare you,but there's no proof that the cigarette's,pot,cocaine and other various chemicals that my wife and I were doing in the first 1-2 mos. of her pregnancy were contributed to our son's uni-cleft/palette .It very well may have been.I choose to look at it as an act of GOD.That was 15 years ago and he is fine,a few facial scars,hardly noticeable,getting ready for braces.I would love him just the same if he were born w/o arms or legs.Under medical journal readings,it could not be determined unless it was hereditary.

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