
Do you know anyone who is adopted?

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Do you know anyone who is adopted?




  1. My sister and several of my friends have adopted

  2. yes. my great aunt adopted a little girl, which all the family just found out it was her grand daughter, really.

    if you can understand me?

  3. Im adopted. I was adopted when I was 4 years old and was in foster care before this. I was taken from biological mother as she was an alcoholic when I was 3 and placed into the care system. The family that I went to changed my name. I was known as Joy for the first 4 years of my life and all of a sudden they started to call me Caroline. It didnt really matter until I was older then I realised just how much damage they had inflicted on me psychologically. I decided to change my name by deed poll and now I dont talk to my adoptive parents much. They still refuse to admit that they did me any damage by changing my name. I also think that they didnt bring me up very well either. Adoptive mum tried to mold me into the perfect child, telling me what to wear, telling me how to speak etc, She was till doing this until I was 15. She even tries to do it now and Im 28. She doesnt like me cause I have my own family and to be honest, I have turned out alot better than what she thought I would and she hates it cause i did it on my own. I dont think I should have been adopted by these people cause I will tell you now. If they had they psychological tests that they have nowadays, then my adoptive parents wouldnt have been able to have adopted any child.

  4. Yes, My best friend was adopted but her parents didn't tell her until she was 15

  5. yea i know a few ppl, my partner is adopted, but doesnt have anything to do with his birth mother as she didnt want anythin to with him when he was born, and now he doesnt want to know her.

    my nephews father is adopted and so is a very close family friend

  6. Yes  - actually I know several people who were adopted.

  7. My mother was adopted at 3 days old.

    My best friend was adopted

    My daughter is adopted

  8. YES, MANY:

    My Son

    My Dad, Aunt & Uncle

    My Cousin

    My Grandmother

    My Friend

    Many children of friends

  9. Yes.  I have 2 cousins who were adopted.  My father in law and his brother were both adopted.  I have a friend who has twin sons who were adopted.  And I know of at least 8 people who are members of my church who were adopted.  I probably know more, but that's all I can come up with off the top of my head.

  10. yes im partly adopted by my father and my husband was fully adopted why you ask

  11. sure, two of my closest Freinds.. Michelle and Sandy... they are adults now and have their own children... They both have Biological  Children...Michelle has met Her Birth Mother., and has some Contact with her still... Though the person she consideres mom is of course her Adoptive Mother...She refers to her Birth Mother as "her Birth Mother".. Mom however is the person who raised her...

  12. I have a cousin thats adopted

    Many friends that were adopted and

    I am adopted

  13. Yeah, there's this boy I know who has been adopted.

  14. Yes.I am adopted.

  15. my boyfriends little sister she was born addicted to cocaine and was said she would never be able to walk to talk or to live past 6 months shes now 8 and never sits still and is never quiet adoption is wonderful

  16. yes i have 5 cousins who are adopted. and my cousins fiance is also adopted.

  17. my aunt kathy my uncle paul ( they r brother and sister) my grandma adopted them and then had three other children by birth ....              then there is my friend stephine who just moved to australia

  18. yes, my nephew and my girlfriends husband

    both were not told they were adopted till they were older teenagers

    it was not a good idea to wait so long to tell them.................

  19. Yes, a co-worker.

  20. "Is" adopted?  No.  

    "Was" adopted?  Yes.  

    The term adoption (in my opinion) should only be used to describe how my son came into our family - not as though he "is" adopted.  He is a normal kid.  He just came to our family differently.

    Now on to who do I know:

    My son.

    His bio-father was adopted also.

    My son's Aunt was adopted.

    My 9 cousins were adopted thru foster care.

    My Godparent's adopted their child when I was little.

    My own Godson's sister was adopted from foster care.

    Two of my son's friends at school were adopted.

    My husband's half-sister was adopted by her step-mother.

    Many of our friends have adopted children both through foster care and/or agencies.

    And last, but certainly not least, many of my wonderful contacts here on Y!A.  : )

  21. Yes - hundreds.

    Including me.

    Here's some links to many blogging adoptees on the internet -

  22. Yes, my guy friend Leo. His birth mom had him when she was 13, so she gave him up for adoption. He now has an unusually close relationship with his adopted mother because she doesn't carry the title of the person who gave birth to him. She is a strong woman who he has the privelige of living with, and who he can talk to about anything. And although she says he doesn't have to, he still calls her mom, because you can only love your mother as much as he loves her, in a son-to-mother way. So although she isn't really his mom, that is what she will always be to him.

  23. yeah half of my brothers and sisters, many children at my church, and half of my aunts and uncles!

  24. Yes my good friend Joe was adopted, so was my nephew and Joes older brother. Nothing wrong with that.

  25. Obviously most people who write in this particular forum are directly involved in the adoption process in one form or another so what is the reasoning behind this question

  26. Yep.

    Me, my son, my husband, his sister, his father, my best friend from high school, my next door neighbor when I was tiny, my cousin...........

  27. My mother is adopted and my daughter is adopted.

  28. U know, Ive been a member of yahoo answers for quite a long time now,

    never seen such a stupid question.

    who r u asking this to ?

    yahoo answers is not an instant messenger .


    I know somany kids  who are adopted

  29. Yes i am. my father died when i was 8 weeks old. My mother later remarried and to change my name to her new married name, she and her new husband had to adopt me (although she is my birth mother). Also my cousin is adopted.

  30. yes i do and she has had a lovely happy life. i asked if she wanted to find her real parents and she said not at the moment cos she loves her adopted mum and dad to much. but she has decided she will love it if her biological parents find her.

  31. I'm adopted, as was my brother. I have many friends and acquaintances who are adopted. I work for an agency that finds adoptive homes for children in foster care. So I know lots of adopted people ;)

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