
Do you know anyone with Coulrophobia ??

by  |  earlier

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tell us your story ..

btw it means "fear of clowns" ...




  1. Could be me ! ..............  

  2. No, but from eating all these bananas I have Coprastasophobia.

  3. Ya , only one ! lol

  4. I did not know that was the word for it. But I hate clowns. They are scary and weird, at least to me they are.  

    I do not know why I developed a dislike or hatred towards them. But I do not think them to be funny...more like scary with the makeup and awful grin and sometimes tears on their face.  Ugh!

  5. no.  

  6. That would be me ...

    I used to see them in my dreams when I was four, five ...

    Imagine yourself turning to call for your Daddy and this creepy pale looks at you from up then kneel to carry you in his long Spider-like arms to suck your blood ...  

  7. lol...I told you that in confidence...omg...jarrasstni...LOL

    Yes I hate clowns, I am scared to death of them...I can't stand them. I really don't know why but I remember freaking out when my parents took me to a circus as a kid and I saw clowns in person.

    I think clowns are the saddest beings on this earth and they hide it beneath their fake smile...that's why they scare me...they are good liars

  8. mmm, yes...apparently.

  9. sorry to disappoint you but i do not know any one with coulrophobia

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