
Do you know anyother good retellings of fairy tales not by Robin McKinley? She's good but I want somebody els?

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Do you know anyother good retellings of fairy tales not by Robin McKinley? She's good but I want somebody els?




  1. try Patricia McKillip and Mercedes Lackey

    neither of them do straight rewrites of of fairy tales but they both encorporate elements of recognizable fairy tales into their stories.  Lackey has at least two stories I know of written about elements masters - the first one is a Cinderella spin off I believe and the second is a Phantom of the Opera/Puss in Boots.  She's a pretty solid writer.  McKillip is - amazing.  Its like falling into someone else's dream reading her stuff.  Into the Forest of Serre is a mix of of Russian fairy tales and Winter Rose is a bit of a Snow White/Winter Queen/Tam Lin type.  She's one of the best writers there is for fantasy hands down.

  2. If you're into weird versions of fairytales Serena Valentino does a great series of comics called "Nightmares and Fairytales" they are very dark and twisted but also sweet and hopeful in the end. she has done Beauty and the beast, little red riding hood, Cinderella, snow white, sleeping beauty, and other stories involving vampires mermaids and ghosts. The series is finished now :( but the 23 issues should still be in circulation.

    Highly recommended :)

    Oh also there is Frank Beddor who wrote a book called "the looking-glass wars" which is based on Alice in Wonderland but darker- very good (im reading it atm and my brother read the sequel and said it was very good :)

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