
Do you know anything about adopting. We are in the UK..pls read on......?

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We are in scotland and wanting to adopt, we dont really mind where the child is from, either here or abroad. The only thing we would like if possible is for the child to be under 5yrs. Any info would be much appreciated. We are a married couple 29 and 36....Thanks




  1. I have done it!

    Contact your local social work fostering & adoption team, and you will get an initial visit to discuss the possibility. If that goes ok you would then have to take some classes and then get a full assessment. You then go in front of a panel for approval for a specific gender and age range, and then wait for a potential match. It all takes a long time, on average maybe 3 years, and Scotland is harder because there are less children. But it is possible and so worthwhile. check out for more info and some fantastic support

  2. Any Social Services agency or CAB will be able to guide you in the right direction.

    Gosh what a silly response from Laurel J. You are not even worthy to get thumbs down, not from me at least. Any source where you can get info on a subject that is of interest  to you will do, even Yahoo!Answers. I have given silly answers to questions as well, but was very quick to withdraw them. You may consider doing that.

  3. First of all contact Barnardos.

    I guarantee you that if you email them they will get back to you very quickly.

    Then get hold of copies of Be My Parent...

    Subscribe to it here (there is a charge but it is not much and very very worthwhile getting)

    You cannot be more than 45 years older than your both of you are fine in that respect.

    Your adopted child must be the youngest in the family by two years.

    You are unlikely to be offered a baby, but if you were to adopt siblings at the same time there is a strong chance you might get a 3 year old and a 6 month old...something like that.

    You can specify the age that you ideally want.  When we adopted we said we wanted a child under 18 months.  Our precious one was 8 months when we found her, and 12 months when she came home.

    You have to get 'approved' first - Barnados will put you through a training course (which is fantastic and really prepares you for everything) and then once approved the exciting part begins...the matching process.

    They try and match the baby to your nationality as far as possible and to meet any other specificiations that you might have mentioned (for example you might have said you do not want a child who was born addicted to drugs, or you do not want a child who has been in several foster care homes, or a child born out of incest...etc)

    Once you identify a child you wish to adopt, then the child's social workers have a matching meeting.... if everyone agrees you go to the next stage...INTRODUCTIONS...

    Our introductions took place over a week - we spent every day with our child and her foster carer was meant to be for 10 days but after 5 days it was clear we had bonded amazingly well and they allowed us to take her home!

    People say she is so blessed to have us - but we know the opposite is true...she brings far more to our family than we could ever repay!

    Edit:  We are in the UK and were asked to consider a child from scotland.  We were told that social services would pay for our travel and accomodation expenses during the introductions stage if we went ahead.  We eventually adopted from the UK but don't let geography put you off.

    Edit:  The whole process takes about a year on average.


    The website above explains the process to adoption in the uk and it is a goverment website. Good Luck and you are doing a great thing for a child without a family! x

  5. This is not the place to research such matters.

    How would you feel if your mom told you she got you via Y!A?

  6. If you're not willing to put forth the minimal effort required to find out what you need to do to start the ball rolling, what makes you think you'll be willing to deal with all of the issues adoptees typically have?!

  7. I don't know how things work in the UK, but you should probably start out at your local social services agency that arranges adoptions.  Set up a meeting with them to ask all your questions about the process.  Good luck.

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