
Do you know anything about catalogue?

by  |  earlier

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what are the requirements for businesses that want to enter the catalogue market?

in terms of

• New facilities

• Labour

• Raw materials

• Processing requirements

i dont mind personal speculation, idea or opinons....




  1. You can enter the catalogue market with just an office and outsource everything else, anyone entering the catalogue market is likely to work this way inititally before eventually moving on to managing some of the other functions internally. Most would continue to be handled by other suppliers - it would be extremely unlikely that a catalogue company would print their own catalogues for example.

    Firstly you need a market segment to enter, then you need to source the products you are going sell, create a list of people you are going to sell it to, raise the funds to buy in the products and actually print the catalogue, design and print the catalogue and find a third party warehouse to handle the fulfillment of the orders.

    This process could be managed by as few as a single person from an office, leaving the rest of the process to the following suppliers;

    Product suppliers  (who make the product you want to sell)

    Catalogue Printer  (who can design and print the catalogue and buy the paper used)

    List Supplier  (who provide you with the list of consumers in the target market segment  you are going to send the catalogue too)

    Catalogue Mailing House  (who manage your mailing list of target customers and distribute the catalogue)

    Call centre  (who take the sales calls from customers)

    Website Host   (that can take orders from the catalogue)

    Fufillment Warehouse  (who store the products for you and mail them to customers as they are ordered)

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