
Do you know anything about perfect game showcases?

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hey guys im gonna be a junior in high school this year. im 15 and i really want to do a perfect game showcase this year so that i can play in front of some scouts. im a left handed pitcher but i only throw around 68-70 right now because im 5'11 and 140 and havent filled out yet so i dont no if they take that into consideration. i want to go to this one called the northeast fall state showcase. have any of you guys heard anything about showcases? and also, do you think its a good idea for me to go to it if i havent filled out yet or do they take it into consideration? i just dont want them to think im horrible and come back next year and have them say, oh look heres the kid who sucked last year. thanks




  1. some showcases are good, some are just moneymakers. The trouble is finding out which is which.

    I believe that if it's just an open showcase, that they fall into the moneymaker category. If on the other hand you are invited to a private showcase, they are more legit.

    My nephew is entering his junior year of high school, is 6'2", 235, & is invited to a private showcase, find out the name of the showcase, & check it out online. Also I don't think they will take into consideration whether or not you will grow or not, it would just be a guess, they will look at your size, & assess your abilities. You might want to wait a year, & work on strength & conditioning.

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!!!

  2. ive been to a perfect game showcase and they are really good workouts and ways to get noticed

    college scouts from all levels come and a few pro scouts are usually there..its a great way to find out what you need to work on and see how you do in situations where scouts are watching....although it is hard to get noticed there if you are just average. a lot of the players are really good and are years beyond their skill level. those are the guys scouts usually look at but if you go and do well you never know then

    they are fun and a great way to get better because you learn from watching the other players too

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